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World Economic Forum Report Warns of Dangers in Growing Inequality

Reuters - A chronic gap between rich and poor is yawning wider, posing the biggest single risk to the world in 2014, even as economies in many countries start to recover, according to the World Economic Forum.......

"Societal concerns include the breakdown of social structures, the decline of trust in institutions, the lack of leadership and persisting gender inequalities. Risks related to ideological polarization, extremism – in particular those of a religious or political nature – and intra-state conflicts such as civil wars, were also frequently highlighted."

Table 1: Ten Global Risks of Highest Concern in 2014


Global Risk


Fiscal crises in key economies


Structurally high unemployment/underemployment


Water crises


Severe income disparity


Failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation


Greater incidence of extreme weather events (e.g. floods, storms, fires)


Global governance failure


Food crises


Failure of a major financial mechanism/institution


Profound political and social instability

Global Risks 2014 Report

Извор: WUNRN – 17.01.2014


Transparency & Accountability Initiative

When grassroots women organize at the community level to design and implement anti-corruption strategies, they build gender sensitive governance that leads to improved service delivery, increased access to justice, and decreasing levels of corruption and poverty.

The HC T&AI formed out of a growing partnership with UNDP, which gained traction in 2011 during HC's Global Summit on Grassroots Women's Leadership and Governance. As a direct result of the Summit, UNDP committed to funding an action research project examining grassroots women's perceptions and experiences of corruption, notably lacking in existing corruption research.

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative, launched in September 2012, was built out of the consolidation process of the MDG 3 Initiative, the creation of a new Action Plan for the Governance Campaign and the study “Seeing Beyond the State: Grassroots Women’s Perspectives on Corruption and Anti-Corruption.” 


Corruption Perceptions Index 2013

The 2013 corruption perceptions index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption in 177 countries and territories.

Corruption remains a global threat

The Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 serves as a reminder that the abuse of power, secret dealings and bribery continue to ravage societies around the world. 

The Index scores 177 countries and territories on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). No country has a perfect score, and two-thirds of countries score below 50. This indicates a serious, worldwide corruption problem. Hover on the map above to see how your country fares.

The world urgently needs a renewed effort to crack down on money laundering, clean up political finance, pursue the return of stolen assets and build more transparent public institutions.

It is time to stop those who get away with acts of corruption. The legal loopholes and lack of political will in government facilitate both domestic and cross-border corruption, and call for our intensified efforts to combat the impunity of the corrupt.”

– Huguette Labelle, Chair, Transparency International


ARROW Guide: Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights Indicators for AdvocatesARROW Guide: Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights Indicators for Advocates

The Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) is pleased to share with you her latest publication, "An Advocate's Guide: Strategic Indicators for Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights".

Developed by TK Sundari Ravindran in collaboration with ARROW and her partners, this guide is a direct outcome of the Strategic SRHR Indicators workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 21-22 August 2013 for the project "Strengthening the Networking, Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an Asia-Pacific Network for SRHR" supported by the European Union.

One of the major objectives of the project is to develop a comprehensive monitoring framework of indicators for measuring government performance to fulfill their international commitments, particularly to the ICPD and the MDGs, both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally.

It is a timely objective to aim at given that the international development community, as well as national governments and civil society organizations, are reviewing the ICPD goals and MDGs.


Државниот завод за ревизија ја донесе Годишната програма за работа

Врз основа на член 9 точка 2 од Законот за државната ревизија („Службен весник на Република Македонија бр. 66/10 и 145/10) и член 53 од Правилникот за организација и работа на Државниот завод за ревизија, бр.01-640/2 од 27.11.2010 година, главниот државен ревизор донесе „Годишната програма за работа на Државниот завод за ревизија за 2014 година".

Годишната програма за работа на Државниот завод за ревизија (ДЗР) за 2014 година ќе се остварува согласно постојната законска рамка утврдена со Законот за државната ревизија (ЗДР).

Изборот на субјектите/проектите/темите за Програмата е извршен согласно член 22 и 23 став 1 од Законот за државната ревизија и Упатството за предлагање на ревизии за годишната програма за работа на ДЗР.

Согласно пропишаните критериуми во Упатството за предлагање на ревизии, ДЗР во 2014 година планира да изврши вкупно 99 ревизии, кои се прикажани во Прегледот на планирани ревизии кој е составен дел на Програмата за работа на ДЗР за 2014 година (Прилог 1).

Извршувањето на Годишната програма за работа на ДЗР за 2014 година ќе се реализира со Акционен план кој е составен дел на Годишната програма за работа на ДЗР. Програма влегува во сила со денот на донесувањето, а ќе се применува од 01.01.2014 година.

Прочитај ја целата програма

Извор: ДЗР



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