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Акциски план за Отворено владино партнерство 2014-2016



Република Македонија пристапи кон глобалната Инцијатива за Отворено владино партнерство (ОВП) на крајот од 2011 година, а сите земји кои се приклучија кон оваа инцијатива беа должни да достават Акциски планови за спроведување на мерките од Инцијативата. Владата на Република Македонија го усвои Акцискиот план за Отворено Владино партнерство на 1 јуни 2012 година.


Отвореното владино партнерство претставува доброволна меѓународна иницијатива која цели кон обезбедување заложби од страна на владите кон своите граѓани, со цел да промовира транспарентност, да го поттикне граѓанското учество, борбата против корупцијата и искористување на новите технологии за да се зајакне доброто владеење.


Од сите земји членки на оваа глобална иницијатива побарано е да пристапат кон ревизија на акциските планови, односно изготвување нови за периодот 2014-2016 година.


50/50 Campaign for Gender Balance in EU Institutions No Modern Democracy without Gender Equality”!

(Brussels, 15 November 2013) Equal representation of women and men in public decision-making is a fundamental right. The under-representation of women constitutes a serious democratic deficit, which undermines the legitimacy of the contemporary democratic ideal and the European Union. A modern and genuine democracy requires gender equality.

The 50/50 Coalition aims to achieve gender balance in all European institutions for the 2014 European Elections. Therefore, the European Women’s Lobby together with a core group with representatives of the five political groups in the European Parliament have initiated the 50/50 Coalition. The core group members are Anneli Jäätteenmäki /ALDE, Franziska Brantner /Greens/EFA, Kartika Liotard/GUE-NGL, Sirpa Pietikäinen/EPP and Zita Gurmai/S&D.

The 50/50 Declaration was launched with great success at an official signing event in Strasbourg on 21 November where around 50 MEPs attended to sign the Declaration and show their support for the Coalition and gender parity. The Declaration will be open to sign for NGOs, commissioners and national politicians by the beginning of 2013. Until today, the Declaration has been signed by more than 60 MEPs.

Here you can find a video clip from the event with the MEPs signing the Declaration and statements by Franziska Brantner, Sirpa Pietikäinen and Zita Gurmai.

Here you can find the Joint 50/50 Declaration: “No Modern Democracy without gender Equality”.

Sign the Declaration here.

Извор: WUNRN – 22.01.2014

Gender & Rural Development - Europe & Central Asia

Key Gender Issues

Across the region of Europe and Central Asia (CEN), notable gains have been made in the areas of health and education, with health outcomes above world averages, particularly in maternal mortality rates.1 Between 1990 and 2010, the maternal mortality ratio (modelled estimate, per 100,000 live births) fell from 70 to 32 per cent. However, evidence shows that there are still gender gaps in access to economic opportunities, productive resources, land and credit, and decision-making at all levels.

Economic empowerment

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, employment in the region has transitioned from more formal, permanent employment to part-time and time-bound work.2 Women are commonly over-represented in vulnerable temporary and informal jobs. Work in agriculture is the prevalent form of female employment and the largest source of income.

In Eastern Europe, women account for 31 per cent of the economically active population working in agriculture. In Central Asia, the corresponding average is 40 per cent, whereas in countries like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan it is over 60 per cent. In the Republic of Moldova, for example, 70 per cent of agricultural workers are employed in the informal sector, and 73 per cent of them are women.4 Women in CEN countries are mainly responsible for activities like livestock grazing, mixed cropping, horticulture, olive- farming and household food production. Gender disparities in pay exist for agricultural labourers and other rural occupations. As a result of widespread rural poverty, people often migrate for employment to urban areas and higher-income countries, which makes them vulnerable to health risks, exploitation and abuse.


Ending Violence Against Women: The case for a comprehensive international action plan

"Many initiatives to address the problem of VAW lack coherence, coordination, consistent funding, and concrete actions, structures and systems to implement and monitor their implementation at all political levels, especially the national level. The large-scale persistence of all forms of violence against women and the continuing impunity of its perpetrators demonstrates the urgent need to develop comprehensive and coordinated strategies."

Ending Violence Against Women

 Извор: WUNRN – 19.01.2014


Мониторинг на постапката на набавка и обезбедување на лекови спроведен од страна на граѓаните на Ел Салвадор

Граѓаните на Ел Салвадор со поддршка на Фондацијата “Mequilishuatl” извршија мониторинг на постапката на набавка и обезбедување на лекови од страна на државата.

Прочитајте повеќе за наодите од спроведената постапка воLa rutra de los medicamentos”.




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