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Development is being derailed by ignoring equality, rights & women's health – UN Report

New UN report says development gains from the past 20 years cannot be sustained unless governments tackle the inequalities that hurt the poorest and most marginalized

The number of people living in extreme poverty in developing countries has fallen dramatically from 47 per cent in 1990 to 22 per cent in 2010.

But many of the estimated 1 billion people living in the 50-60 poorest countries will stagnate as the rest of the world gets richer.

February 12, 2014 - UNITED NATIONS, New York — A new report finds that growing inequalities will undo significant gains in health and longevity made over the past 20 years. To sustain these gains, the United Nations ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Report argues that governments must pass and enforce laws to protect the poorest and most marginalized, including adolescent girls and women affected by violence as well as rural populations.

The report is the first truly global review of progress, gaps, challenges and emerging issues in relation to the landmark International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in1994. It gathers data from 176 countries alongside inputs from civil society and comprehensive academic research. The findings provide compelling evidence strongly reinforcing the ground-breaking focus of the Cairo Action Programme, placing human rights and individual dignity at the heart of development.


Taking Action Against Violence & Discrimination Affecting Migrant Women & Girls

Nicaraguan women taking part in an IOM programme to prevent violence against women and risky migration through economic empowerment © IOM

Violence against women is one of the most pervasive global and systemic forms of human rights violations that exist today. Even though many migrant women do not encounter violence and benefit from migration; for some of the 105 million international migrant women worldwide (UN DESA, 2009), violence and discrimination2 can appear at the very start of the migration process. Women’s motivation to migrate may be influenced by situations where discrimination, for example in the labour market, is prevalent. Prejudice against certain categories, such as single mothers, wives, widows and LGBTI individuals, can also act as a push factor.

On arrival in the country of destination, violence and discrimination continue to be part of the lives of many migrant women as they experience dual vulnerability to violence. This is primarily due to their status as women, reflecting gender inequalities existing in both origin and destination societies, as well as their status as foreigners. Often, these two main causes of vulnerability intersect with additional risk factors.

 The issue of violence against women and girls and their special need for protection was one of the main factors leading to the adoption of the IOM gender policy in 1995. Since then, IOM has been committed to “ensuring that the particular needs of all migrant women are identified, taken into consideration and addressed by IOM projects and services” 


High-level event of the UN General Assembly 6-7 March 2014 : "The contributions of women, the young, & Civil Society to the Post-2015 development agenda - Call for input”

Stakeholders are invited to provide inputs by 28 February.

The inputs will inform the drafting of the background note of the event.

Concept Note: http://www.un.org/en/ga/president/68/pdf/sts/Concept_Note_on_the_Contributions_of_Women_the_Young_and_Civil_Society.pdf

Women, young people and civil society have already made major and substantive contributions to the preparation of the Post-2105 Development Agenda with the overarching goal of poverty eradication. However, their continuing, full contribution and participation in the design, implementation and future evolution of this Post-2015 Development Agenda will depend on two fundamental factors: (1) the extent of social inclusion, and conversely, the persistence of challenges such as inequalities, discrimination and marginalization that impede unleashing the full potential, capacities and abilities of all people to contribute to inclusive sustainable development, and to share equitably in its outcomes, and (2) the degree to which they can safely claim dedicated spaces to contribute effectively to decision-making at the global, national and sub-national levels, and the scope to exercise accountability with decision-makers through their actions and voices.

These factors will affect not only the scope for women, young people including children, and civil society to engage in sustainable development, but also their ability to participate as actors, partners and contributors in a transparent, effective, integrated and coordinated manner. This calls for a two way-process of positive reinforcement between the strengthening of capabilities and the exercise of voice.


Соопштение за јавност од Мрежата за заштита од дискриминација - 14.02.2014

Комерцијална Банка го промени нееднаквиот третман кон слепите и лицата со оштетен вид

Мрежата за заштита од дискриминација, заедно со Националниот сојуз на слепите на Република Македонија и Националниот сојуз на цивилни инвалиди од војната на Македонија, поднесе претставка до Комисијата за заштита од дискриминација. Претставката беше поднесена против сите банки во Република Македонија со цел утврдување на дискриминација која се врши врз оваа група луѓе. Нееднаквиот третман се однесува на користењето на банкарски услуги и производи за кои е неопходен потпис на корисникот при што банките не го признаваат потписот од слепите лица, не дозволуваат користење на факсимил и ги принудуваат да ополномоштат трето лице кое би потпишувало во нивно име и за нивна сметка. Слепите лица се соочуваат со проблеми и при користењето на електронско банкарство поради внатрешните прописи на банките (употреба на токени, кодови и слични сигурносни алатки кои слепите лица не се во состојба да ги користат). Дополнително, банките не обезбедуваат употреба на асистивна технологија, како што е на пример говорниот банкомат, браевиот печатач, софтверските решенија за пристапност до електронски услуги итн.

Подготвеност за промена на ваквиот нееднаков третман покажа единствено Комерцијална банка АД Скопје, која потпиша Меморандум за соработка  со  Националниот  сојуз  на слепите на Република Македонија и Хелсиншкиот комитет за човекови права на Република Македонија. Согласно одредбите од Меморандумот, банката ги промени своите внатрешни прописи и овозможи приемот и испраќањето на финансиските средства и користењето на останатите услуги, слепите и лицата со оштетен вид, да го вршат самостојно, директно и со помош од страна на банкарските службеници, без притоа да биде неопходно присуство на полномошник. За оваа цел, банката обучи 6 вработени кои веќе постапуваат во делот на електронското банкарство, отварање на тековни сметки и отворање на сеф.


Women, Business & The Law - Removing restrictions to enhance Gender Equality

In the past 50 years women’s legal status has improved all over the world. But many laws still make it difficult for women to fully participate in economic life whether by getting jobs or starting businesses. Discriminatory rules bar women from certain jobs, restrict access to capital for women-owned firms and limit women’s capacity to make legal decisions. Gender differences in laws affect both developing and developed economies, and women in all regions.


 Извор: WUNRN – 13.02.2014




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