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High-level event of the UN General Assembly 6-7 March 2014 : "The contributions of women, the young, & Civil Society to the Post-2015 development agenda - Call for input”

Stakeholders are invited to provide inputs by 28 February.

The inputs will inform the drafting of the background note of the event.

Concept Note: http://www.un.org/en/ga/president/68/pdf/sts/Concept_Note_on_the_Contributions_of_Women_the_Young_and_Civil_Society.pdf

Women, young people and civil society have already made major and substantive contributions to the preparation of the Post-2105 Development Agenda with the overarching goal of poverty eradication. However, their continuing, full contribution and participation in the design, implementation and future evolution of this Post-2015 Development Agenda will depend on two fundamental factors: (1) the extent of social inclusion, and conversely, the persistence of challenges such as inequalities, discrimination and marginalization that impede unleashing the full potential, capacities and abilities of all people to contribute to inclusive sustainable development, and to share equitably in its outcomes, and (2) the degree to which they can safely claim dedicated spaces to contribute effectively to decision-making at the global, national and sub-national levels, and the scope to exercise accountability with decision-makers through their actions and voices.

These factors will affect not only the scope for women, young people including children, and civil society to engage in sustainable development, but also their ability to participate as actors, partners and contributors in a transparent, effective, integrated and coordinated manner. This calls for a two way-process of positive reinforcement between the strengthening of capabilities and the exercise of voice.

Guiding Questions

  • What barriers exist to the full and effective participation of young people in the development of policies and programmes that affect their lives, including the post-2015 agenda?   

  • What can be done to better equip young people to meet the needs of today's labour market, such as the role of ICTs to support their development, inclusion and full participation in societies?

  • What provisions, policies and measures could most effectively address the high levels of child poverty which are prevalent across many regions and the specific impact of inequalities on children’s survival, growth and development from earliest years of life, in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda?  

  • How can the voices, views, priorities and best interests of children, including adolescents and children from the most marginalized groups, be systematically and fully taken into account in the design and implementation by Member States of the new Development Agenda?

  • Recognizing that many structural gender inequalities affecting women and girls are embedded in discriminatory social norms, practices and stereotypes, what transformative strategies or approaches (in addition to legislation, and including at the household decision-making level) could effectively overcome the deeply-rooted discrimination that prevents women and girls from both enjoying the full spectrum of their human rights, and from living a life free of poverty?

  • Both within and outside of the political arena, where are the important or emerging sites for women and girls to actively participate in local, national, regional and international advocacy and action; and within these sites, what are the priority areas where new and concerted policy measures and interventions can achieve gender equality through the post-2015 development agenda?

            Извор: WUNRN – 17.02.2014




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