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Women - Traditional values - Human Rights - UN Report


B. The negative impact of traditional values on vulnerable groups

39. Special procedures mandate holders, treaty bodies and OHCHR have published many works that emphasize the importance of ensuring that "traditions", "attitudes" and "customary practices" are not elevated above universal human rights standards.55 They highlighted the fact that such terms are often used to justify the marginalization of minority groups and gender-based inequalities, discrimination and violence, and that there is a need to situate these terms within a human rights context.

40. In the report of the OHCHR workshop on the traditional values of humankind, attention was drawn to the fact that perceptions of what constituted "traditional values" were highly subjective and dependent on societal power structures. It was noted that some practices and attitudes at odds with human dignity were derived from traditional values. Tradition is often invoked to justify maintaining the status quo, failing to take into account the reality that traditions, cultures and social norms have always evolved and will continue to change with time; a human rights-based approach, by contrast, often requires changes to the status quo in order to ensure compliance with international human rights standards. Those who benefit most from the status quo are more likely to appeal to tradition to maintain power and privilege, and also to speak on behalf of tradition, while those most marginalized and disenfranchised have the most to lose from a traditional values approach to human rights. In its general recommendation No. 19, the Committee on the Elimination A/HRC/22/71 of Discrimination against Women stated that traditional attitudes by which women are regarded as subordinate to men or as having stereotyped roles perpetuate widespread practices involving violence or coercion, such as family violence and abuse, forced marriage, dowry deaths, acid attacks and female circumcision. Such prejudices and practices may thus justify gender-based violence as a form of subordination or control of women.


Здравството и Јавните претпријатија должат 500 милиони евра!

2013 та година заврши како една од оние со највисоко ниво на јавниот  долг на Централната Влада. Според најновите податоци на Министерството за финансии, заклучно со декември, дома и кон странство државата должи 2,7 милијарди евра. Ланската година измина во знакот на раст на задолжувањата кај домашните кредитори, преку објавување на аукции на записи, но и на подолгорочни обврзници кои ќе се отплаќаат во следните пет години. Според експертите нивото на јавен долг од 34,3% и натаму не ја одразува реалната состјба со задолжувањата. Дополнително, следните неколку години долгот само по основ на кинескиот кредит за изградба на двата автопати ќе се зголемува за нови 200 милиони евра, пари кои ќе се книжат на сметка на Јавното претпријатие за патишта.

Здравството и Јавните претпријатија должат 500 милиони евра?

Само Централната Влада и државните Фондови на крајот од 2013 та година должеле 2 милијарди и 757 милиони евра. Јавниот долг на Централната Влада заклучно со декември, лани достигна 34,3% од Бруто Домашниот Производ, што претставува едно од највисоките нивоа што се измерени во последните осум години.

2013 та година, според анализата на објавените податоци од Министерството за финансии, поминала во знакот на праст на внатрешните задолжувања. Така, само за една година, или од крајот на 2012 та година до крајот на 2013 та година, долговите на Владата кон домашните кредитори се зголемиле за повеќе од 230 милиони евра.


“И со овие објавени бројки ние ја немаме целосната слика за состојбата со долговите. Овој показател од 34,3 отсто ги зафаќа само долговите на Владата и на Фондовите. Каде се долговите на Јавните Пртепријатија и на Општините?. Податоците не се ранспартенти и станува збор за манипулација“ – вели за “Фактор“Петар Гошев ,еден од поранешните министри за финансии и екс-гувернер.


One Billion Rising 2014 - Women Around the World for Justice

Last year, on 14 February 2013, one billion people in 207 countries rose and danced to demand an end to violence against women and girls.

On 14 February 2014, we are escalating our efforts, calling on women and men everywhere to RISE, RELEASE, DANCE, and demand JUSTICE!

ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is a global call to women survivors of violence and those who love them to gather safely in community outside places where they are entitled to justice – courthouses, police stations, government offices, school administration buildings, work places, sites of environmental injustice, military courts, embassies, places of worship, homes, or simply public gathering places where women deserve to feel safe but too often do not.  It is a call to survivors to break the silence and release their stories – politically, spiritually, outrageously – through art, dance, marches, ritual, song, spoken word, testimonies and whatever way feels right.


Our stories have been buried, denied, erased, altered, and minimized by patriarchal systems that allow impunity to reign. Justice begins when we speak, release, and acknowledge the truth in solidarity and community. ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is an invitation to break free from confinement, obligation, shame, guilt, grief, pain, humiliation, rage, and bondage.


Neglect, Abuse & Violence Against Older Women - Report

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA), together with its focal point on ageing in the Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD), recently published a document titled ‘Neglect, Abuse and Violence against Older Women’. The publication aims at presenting an overview of the current state of knowledge about abuse of older women. Different forms of abuse are looked at, including neglect, physical, sexual and psychological abuse, financial abuse and exploitation and self-neglect. The publication also discusses the challenges associated to establishing prevalence rates on abuse of older women; it identifies risk factors and provides a summary of study findings on the consequences of abuse. Furthermore, it provides an overview of preventive measures (plus findings on their effectiveness) for addressing the issue, and it examines the main approaches to combatting violence against older women, as well as key interventions (policies and programmes) and their effectiveness.

Neglect, Abuse & Violence Against Older Women – Report

 Извор: WUNRN – 06.02.2014




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