Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








The MDG's, Girls' education & Gender equality

"In my view, these goals and targets do not go sufficiently to the heart of what needs to be done to address girls’ and women’s education and advocating for gender equality. The significance of education to the post 2015 framework is signalled by the fact that a good education emerged as the number one priority for the post 2015 world for the nearly 1 million people around the world who voted in the UN/civil society poll regarding the world we want. The HLP goals and targets set the amount of education we will assure too low. Lower secondary education is only promised in terms of access, not attendance, completion, or quality. If the indicators for the gender goal on ending violence against women, child marriage and ensuring women’s participation in public life are to be supported, the amounts of education assured by the education goal – primary education and access, to lower secondary education, not completion is not enough. Completion of a basic cycle of schooling (between 9 and 12 years depending on the country) seems a minimum to me, with some progressive provision of continuing education for everyone, not just linked to technical and vocational education”.

The MDG's, Girls' education & Gender equality

Извор: WUNRN – 07.01.2014

20 Years Reflection: The women's human rights paradigm in the current neoliberal context - EU

The past 20 years show some progress with the women’s rights and the human rights paradigm in Europe. However the development is caught up in the global neo-liberal transformation that at the same time is greatly undermining equality, protection of rights and the environment.

Multiple crises mirror that global governance completely failed to regulate the expansion of the capitalist economy that is corporatedriven, growthoriented, resource and emission-intensive. It is not guided and hardly tamed by a rights and needs framework.

The neo-liberal development also impacts the women’s rights agenda, leading to questions whether more freedom to express our identities is actually a real freedom or new standards for consumers to apply to. However for feminists the task is to keep pushing for the women’s human rights agenda and to use it as our framework.


Собранието на Р. Македонија на 20.12.201 година го донесе буџетот на РМ за идната, 2014, година

Со 67 гласа „за“ , а  26 „против“, пратениците го изгласаа Буџетот за 2014 година. По расправа од 5 дена, повеќе од 600 амандмани и жестока дебата, но без протести и бркање пратеници и новинари од собраниската сала, е донесен буџет во кој се проектира растот на БДП од 3,2 проценти и инфлацијата на 3,3 проценти. Идната година касата ќе тежи 2,86 милијарди евра или за седум отсто повеќе од годинава.

До година Владата ќе го троши најиздашниот буџет до сега – од скоро 3 милијарди евра. Со мнозинска поддршка од  67 гласови “За“, Собранието го усвои Буџетот за 2014 та. Опозицијата оцени “секој глас за овој буџет значи глас за поддршка на расипничко трошење“.

До година, Владата планира да потроши 2,9 милијарди евра, а да собере 2,5 милијарди евра. Буџетскиот дефицит е проектиран на 3,5% од Бруто Домашниот Производ или во апсолутна бројка од скоро 300 милиони евра.


Failure to provide effective protection against rape and sexual assault violated CEDAW (V.P.P. V. Bulgaria)

This post discusses rape and sexual assault and may be considered psychologically triggering

V.P.P., a minor, was sexually assaulted by B.G., an adult man who lived in a neighboring apartment building.  Bulgarian authorities waited two years before indicting B.G. for “sexual molestation of a minor”.  The District Court approved a plea bargain agreement that B.G. receive a three-year suspended sentence for pleading guilty.  B.G. continued to live next door to V.P.P. following the assault and no action was taken to ensure the ongoing safety of V.P.P.

The District Court rejected a request to file a civil claim for moral damages and a separate successful tort suit for 15,000 euros could not be executed with the mechanisms available under Bulgarian Law. 

S.V.P. submitted a communication under the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (Optional Protocol) on behalf of her daughter claiming that Bulgaria had violated articles 1, 2(a)-2(c), 2(e)-2(g), 3, 5, 12 and 15 of CEDAW.  She claimed that Bulgaria had failed to:

  • act with due diligence to protect V.P.P. against sexual assault;

  • provide an effective remedy and address the health, rehabilitative and other needs of V.P.P.;

  • provide V.P.P. ongoing protection from B.G.; and

  • introduce specific legal and policy measures and health services  to address violence against women and girls.

S.V.P. also claimed that Bulgaria’s response to her daughter’s assault reflected gender stereotypes related to violence against women and girls.  


EC for rape survivors - A Human Rights and Public Health Imperative

According to new estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), one-third of women worldwide will experience violence in their lifetimes; an estimated 7.2% of women will be sexually assaulted by a stranger and many more (23-36%, depending on region) will experience unwanted sex from an intimate partner. To add to the physical and psychological trauma of rape, victims of sexual violence also risk unwanted pregnancy and exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.

Sexually assaulted women (and men) require a range of emotional, psychological, and medical care. Medical services for post-rape care should include prophylaxis against STIs, including HIV, and emergency contraception (EC) to reduce the risk of pregnancy. While HIV prophylaxis is often provided, EC is not so frequently offered, despite the fact that the risk of pregnancy is higher than the risk of HIV. Emergency contraception must be readily available in emergency care facilities as both a human rights and public health imperative.

EC for rape survivors

Извор: WUNRN – 26.12.2013




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