Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








The MDG's, Girls' education & Gender equality

"In my view, these goals and targets do not go sufficiently to the heart of what needs to be done to address girls’ and women’s education and advocating for gender equality. The significance of education to the post 2015 framework is signalled by the fact that a good education emerged as the number one priority for the post 2015 world for the nearly 1 million people around the world who voted in the UN/civil society poll regarding the world we want. The HLP goals and targets set the amount of education we will assure too low. Lower secondary education is only promised in terms of access, not attendance, completion, or quality. If the indicators for the gender goal on ending violence against women, child marriage and ensuring women’s participation in public life are to be supported, the amounts of education assured by the education goal – primary education and access, to lower secondary education, not completion is not enough. Completion of a basic cycle of schooling (between 9 and 12 years depending on the country) seems a minimum to me, with some progressive provision of continuing education for everyone, not just linked to technical and vocational education”.

The MDG's, Girls' education & Gender equality

Извор: WUNRN – 07.01.2014



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