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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Transparency & Accountability Initiative

When grassroots women organize at the community level to design and implement anti-corruption strategies, they build gender sensitive governance that leads to improved service delivery, increased access to justice, and decreasing levels of corruption and poverty.

The HC T&AI formed out of a growing partnership with UNDP, which gained traction in 2011 during HC's Global Summit on Grassroots Women's Leadership and Governance. As a direct result of the Summit, UNDP committed to funding an action research project examining grassroots women's perceptions and experiences of corruption, notably lacking in existing corruption research.

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative, launched in September 2012, was built out of the consolidation process of the MDG 3 Initiative, the creation of a new Action Plan for the Governance Campaign and the study “Seeing Beyond the State: Grassroots Women’s Perspectives on Corruption and Anti-Corruption.” 

Grassroots Women's Perspectives on Corruption

Corruption is a symptom of a larger problem

Grassroots women focus on improving governance structures to reduce corruption and increase access to service and justice

Non-confrontational strategies are more effective at the grassroots level

Partnering with civil servants, service providers and government authorities to promote transparency and accountability creates safe and sustainable mechanisms to reduce corruption

Organizing is the key to creating incentives to stop corruption

Grassroots women are more empowered to raise their voices against corruption if they belong to a grassroots organization. They feel supported and confident to address misuse of power.

Knowing the budget is crucial for monitoring public spending and influencing service delivery

Access to budget information varies from country to country. When this information is updated in real time and accessible, grassroots organizations can better monitor and act on misuse of public money

Grassroots women and youth are affected differently by corruption

In the case of women, sexual demands and physical abuse are two ways that corruption manifests; therefore, anti-corruption mechanisms focused on only bribery would not be able to reduce corruption from the perspective of grassroots women. 

Bottom-up and top-down approaches are complementary in reducing corruption

Grassroots women have developed important mechanisms to improve service delivery and access to justice. 
Policy and legal reforms have the potential of creating sustainable and responsive governance structures to recognize and scale grassroots women-led initiatives. It is thus important to partner with policy makers. 

Our Approach

Global Level

At the Global Level, we promote exchanges and increase the visibility of the gendered aspects of corruption in anti-corruption policies and programs to improve the accountability and transparency of governments and institutions.

Local Level
At the local level, the Huairou Commission supports six women-led actions to initiate dialogues, share their knowledge (locally, nationally and globally) and build partnerships to ensure their solutions to fight corruption gather visibility and legitimacy:

Photo: Community women gather for a public forum on Anti-Corruption Strategies in Jinotega, Nicaragua. Photo courtesy of Haydee Rodriguez.

DAMPA (PHILIPPINES): Grassroots Access to Health Services

DAMPA focuses on better and easier access to health services for grassroots people at the local and national levels.  The project addresses budget allocations and focus on women's issues in national health policies.

UCOBAC (UGANDA): Grassroots Women’s Transparency and Accountability Initiative

This grassroots women’s initiative aims at improving local health service delivery to women and children with a specific focus on maternal health services. UCOBAC is building and sustaining the capacity of grassroots women to monitor, advocate, and ensure effective health service delivery for women and children at grassroots level.

LUMANTI (NEPAL): Report Card Testing on WASH Governance in Pokhara Municipality

By mobilizing and educating the community on issues of good governance and sanitation service delivery, Lumanti is developing a WASH governance report card to monitor and evaluate corruption related to water and sanitation services in Pokhara Municipality. It is expected that these actions will lead to increased good governance practices. 

SWID (UGANDA): Improved Transparent Service Delivery in the Land Offices

SWID is improving transparent service delivery in the land offices that will enable 150 grassroots to secure and acquire land titles. With this project SWID also expects to have a more informed public on corruption and anti-corruption strategies.

Espaço Feminista (BRAZIL): Monitoring of Urbanization Processes in Ponte do Maduro

Grassroots women want to closely monitor current urbanization processes in order to make sure that the process complies with residents’ needs and are implemented observing grassroots women’s interests. The ultimate goals are to advocate for public policies designed to attend to community priorities, and to improve grassroots women’s access to public policies, especially those related to security and basic services.

Union of Women Producer Cooperativas Las Brumas (NICARAGUA): Anti-Corruption Plan of Pantasma and Wiwili 

Las Brumas is monitoring the issuing of identity cards, increasing women’s involvement in municipal budget training, and maintaining the participation of grassroots women in the Gender Roundtable, as well as increasing transparency, commitment and efficiency of the Municipal Councils of Pantasma and Wiwili in Jinotega, Nicaragua.

Извор: WUNRN – 15.01.2014




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