Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Конкурс за ангажирање на надворешен експерт за потребите на воспоставување на регионална мрежа на граѓански организации

ЕСЕ објавува конкурс за ангажирање на надворешен експерт за потребите на воспоставување на регионална мрежа на граѓански организации.

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External expert for establishing COPASAH regional hub in the region of South-Eastern and Central Europe - Terms of Reference




Title: External expert for establishing COPASAH regional hub in the region of South-Eastern and Central Europe

Project: COPASAH steering committee member planning grants

Reporting to: ESE, North Macedonia

Duration: January 2021 start and should conclude by April 30, 2021


I.       Purpose and objectives

Organizational goal for the entire project period (2021-2022): To establish and develop COPASAH regional hub in the region of South-Eastern and Central Europe which will serve as a social accountability platform for: exchange and generation of knowledge and experience; joint advocacy efforts; and building strategic alliances for the sustainability of CSOs in the region.  The main vision of the Regional hub will be: Improvement of the status of Roma ethnic minority and other vulnerable groups in the European countries, with the main emphasis on their health and wellbeing, through support and active involvement of vulnerable communities in policy-making processes and accountability in order to transform the health systems to bring social justice. The Hub will encompass the following thematic issues: Access to health services and health insurance, Reproductive health and rights, Health of mothers and children, Mental health, Discrimination in health care, Social determinants of health, Fiscal policies in health, Transparency, and participation of the public health systems.

Specific objectives for the planning grant (January – April 2021): 1. To identify CSOs which will be potential members of the Regional hub; 2. To establish the basis for initiation and work of the Regional hub for the period May 2021 – October 2022.

Outcomes: 1. Identified CSOs as initial members of the Regional hub; 2. Identified knowledge and experience sharing needs of the CSOs in regards to their social accountability work; 3. Prepared working plan of the Regional hub for the period May 2021 – October 2022; 4. Identified potential partners, donors and collaborators for cooperation and involvement in the work of the Regional hub. 5. Established organizational structure of the Regional hub, including Steering committee and sections of the hub; 6. Identified needed resources for the facilitation of the work in the regional hub, including human resources, means and tools for knowledge and experience generation and sharing; Establishing and strengthening this regional hub will bring new members in the COPASAH network, which will bring additional knowledge and experience in the Global network of COPASAH.


II.        Background

Countries from the region of South-Eastern and Central Europe are lagging behind the western European countries in regards to the main health and well-being indicators. Life expectancy at birth is lower in this region (North Macedonia=75.7; Bulgaria=74.5; Romania=75) compared to Western Europe (Germany=81; Belgium=81.1). Multiple factors are influencing this situation including lower investments in health care, Public expenditure for health (PPP$ per capita) is lower in the Region (North Macedonia=539; Bulgaria=763; Romania=868) that in Western Europe (Germany=3.990; Belgium=3.420). High corruption in the society, lack of transparency and accountability as well as lack of significant participation of the citizens in the policy process represent significant contributors for the poorer health outcomes of the population in the Region. Roma people represent one of the most vulnerable and marginalized ethnic minority in Europe. The uneven distribution of environmental and social determinants of health is one of the main reasons for the notable contrast between Roma and non-Roma in terms of physical and mental health. Poor living conditions and infrastructure; substandard housing; pollution; unhealthy diets, poor access to healthcare and preventive services, accompanied by stigma and discrimination are among the factors responsible for higher exposure to non-communicable diseases and reductions in life expectancy by up to 10 years compared to non-Roma. Also, there is a lack of a critical group of CSOs which work on issues of accountability, especially among Roma communities. For over a decade ESEs work is dedicated to the issues of transparency, accountability, and involvement of the citizens in policy-making processes. In this regard, significant portion of ESEs work is dedicated to building capacities of other CSOs to apply for this work. Engagement in COPASAH significantly contributes to knowledge and experience sharing for the implementation of this work from different parts of the world.


III.      Description of responsibilities

Scope of work

The external experts will be expected to perform the following tasks under direction and in consultation with ESE:

1.To identify knowledge and experience sharing needs of the CSOs from the Region that will be realized through the formation of the regional hub, including the benefits and potential drawbacks of being a member of such a network;

2. To facilitate at least 4 (four) online meetings and communication with the group of CSOs which will form the Regional hub for the development of an action plan for the Regional hub;

3. To prepare an action plan for the work of the Regional hub for the period May 2021– October 2022 and to consult this plan with the Regional hub organizations;

4. To prepare and present the final action plan on the online event for the establishment of the Regional hub in April 2021.





Draft plan for need assessment


Reports from the 4 online meetings

February, 12 to March, 31

Draft action plan

April, 9

Presentation of the action plan

April, 16

Final action plan

April, 30

All derivables will have to be in the English language.


 IV.     Competencies

  • Excellent knowledge and experience of conducting needs assessments of CSO’s preferably needs assessment of CSO’s networks
  • Solid knowledge of CSO development
  • Proven experience in designing and conducting organizational and institutional capacities of CSO’s
  • Solid understanding of the CSO work
  • Proven analytical and writing skills

 V.       Budget and time frame

For the engagement of the expert, financial compensation is provided in the total gross amount of 2.000 USD, in MKDenars counter value calculated on the day of payment. The compensation will be paid 80% with the completion and submission of the Draft action plan, and the rest 20% after completion and submission of the last deliverable.

The period of implementation of the work tasks by the expert is January 2021 start and should conclude by April 30, 2021.


 VI.     Required documentation for the application

- Short biography

- List of projects for conducting need assessments of CSO’s, preferably of CSO’s network needs assessments.

The required documents are submitted to the e-mail: Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите. with the note "Call for external expert for COPASAH regional hub in the region of South-Eastern and Central Europe" no later than January 29, 2021.




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