Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








ESE in collaboration with more than 70 civil society organizations has submitted OPEN STATEMENT: WHY STRONG, ACCOUNTABLE INSTITUTIONS MATTER BEYOND 2015 to the United Nations

We, the under-signed, believe transparent, accountable and inclusive institutions are vital if we are to end poverty and protect the planet.

We are convinced that a specific goal addressing this urgent call is an essential component of the Post-2015 Development Framework. The reasons are overwhelming.

Millions of citizens around the world, particularly youth, are demanding more open and accountable governance. In a public opinion poll, over seven million people identified “honest and responsive government” as one of their top four development priorities. The Post-2015 Development Framework must respond to this overwhelming call by enabling people, especially those experiencing poverty and marginalization, to participate in governance at all levels.

In order to eradicate poverty and ensure sustainable development, governments, companies and civil society must collaborate to strengthen transparency, participation and accountability. We should promote open societies, a free media and freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, legal empowerment and the rule of law. We should also join forces to implement anti-corruption measures that enable effective and inclusive economic, social and political institutions at all levels of society.

Corruption thrives in every corner of the world and in countries of every income level. Developed countries have a particular responsibility to ensure there is no safe-haven for corruption. Given the strong correlation between the rate of bribery and several key development indicators, governance and anti-corruption must be top priorities when new development goals and targets are set in September 2015.

This has already been recognized. In 2013, the United Nations High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda recommended a dedicated goal on good governance. In 2014, the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals called for a goal on effective, accountable and inclusive institutions. We encourage the Secretary-General and members of the UN General Assembly to heed these calls.

In 2030, we want a world where transparent, accountable, effective and inclusive institutions help eradicate poverty and protect our planet for future generations. Now more than ever we must act to enshrine good governance within the sustainable development goals. Please join us.

Read the statement




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