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5 Ways to Close the Gender Gap for Women in STEM

Immunologist Shruti Naik is trying to recruit and retain more women and minorities in STEM

According to a new study, 91 percent of women who work in STEM admitted that gender discrimination remains a career obstacle

By Renee Morad – October 23, 2019

It’s a good time to be a woman who works in STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics.

In fact, career opportunities are on the rise for women in STEM, according to a recent survey of women who work in paid science-related positions. The study, “Staying Power: Women in Science on What It Take to Succeed,” conducted by the independent research firm RTI International in collaboration with L’Oréal USA and the Heising-Simons Foundation, suggests that women in STEM are thriving.

Yet there are also some glaring areas where improvements are needed for women in STEM. According the study, the vast majority of respondents — 91 percent — admitted that gender discrimination remains a career obstacle and a shocking 100 percent of respondents agreed that self-doubt and a lack of confidence stand in their way. Furthermore, some 88 percent of respondents shared that gender bias.


EU – The painful progress towards EU gender equality

European Commission president-elect Ursula Von der Leyen is the first woman to head up the commission. Photograph: Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters

The European Commission may no longer be an all-male club, but austerity risks undoing decades of progress

By Jane Dudman

November 6, 2019 - Back in 1992, when women’s rights campaigner Joanna Maycock first arrived in Brussels, she was appalled by the European decision-making and administrative bodies. “Brussels was all men. There was just one female commissioner,” she says.

Fast-forward 27 years, and Ursula von der Leyen is the European Commission’s first female president. When it was first announced, in September, the incoming commission was set to be the most gender-balanced in EU history, with 13 women and 14 men, but that has now changed to 11 women and 13 men so far confirmed, and three commissioners-designate still to be confirmed. Meanwhile, a record number of women are now European parliamentarians, with women holding 286 out of 751 seats (39%).


Извор: WUNRN – 16.11.2019

Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Ends with a Clear Path Forward to Transform the World for Women & Girls

NAIROBI, Kenya, 14 November 2019 - The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 concluded today in the Kenyan capital, with partners making bold commitments to transform the world by ending all maternal deaths, unmet need for family planning and gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls by 2030.

“The Nairobi Summit represents a renewed, re-energized vision and community working together to act and deliver. Together, we will make the next ten years a decade of action and results for women and girls, keeping their rights and choices at the centre of everything we do,” said UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem.


Извор: WUNRN – 15.11.2019


Austerity: The new normal??

16-10-2019- This paper (i) examines historical and projected government expenditure trends for 189 countries; (ii) reviews the latest IMF country reports for countries to identify the main channels used by governments to adjust expenditures; (iii) discusses the negative social impacts of austerity measures; (iv) presents the renewed Washington Consensus advised to governments that are left with limited budgets—and the alternative UN Consensus on Development for All; and (v) calls for urgent action by governments to identify fiscal space to accelerate development, human rights, a green recovery with jobs and inclusive growth, and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 




Извор: WUNRN – 14.11.2019




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