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5 Ways to Close the Gender Gap for Women in STEM

Immunologist Shruti Naik is trying to recruit and retain more women and minorities in STEM

According to a new study, 91 percent of women who work in STEM admitted that gender discrimination remains a career obstacle

By Renee Morad – October 23, 2019

It’s a good time to be a woman who works in STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics.

In fact, career opportunities are on the rise for women in STEM, according to a recent survey of women who work in paid science-related positions. The study, “Staying Power: Women in Science on What It Take to Succeed,” conducted by the independent research firm RTI International in collaboration with L’Oréal USA and the Heising-Simons Foundation, suggests that women in STEM are thriving.

Yet there are also some glaring areas where improvements are needed for women in STEM. According the study, the vast majority of respondents — 91 percent — admitted that gender discrimination remains a career obstacle and a shocking 100 percent of respondents agreed that self-doubt and a lack of confidence stand in their way. Furthermore, some 88 percent of respondents shared that gender bias.

 “If our society is truly committed to increasing the representation of women in STEM fields, the findings from this study indicate that the most promising interventions are more independent funding opportunities for women scientists at the postdoctoral training stage and the implementation of family-friendly policies and supports,” said Christine Lindquist, Ph.D., program director at RTI International and the study’s principal investigator.

“We firmly believe that the world needs science, and science needs women, because women in science have the power to change the world,” added Frédéric Rozé, executive vice president of L’Oréal Americas.

The study shed light on factors that greatly contribute to women staying in STEM careers. This includes obtaining independent grant funding, having peer support, being able to draw on support from family and friends, mentorship and having access to professional connections.

Experts recently spoke to Know Your Value about the best ways to help close the gender gap for women in STEM. 

https://www.nbcnews.com/know-your-value/feature/5-ways-close-gender-gap-women-stem-ncna1070101?emci=e9be2d28-1cff-e911-828b-2818784d6d68&emdi=d7480a90-a101-ea11-828b-2818784d6d68&ceid=962375#anchor-Beauthentic – Website Includes Video.

Извор: WUNRN – 16.11.2019




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