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Australia's Women's Team Earns Soccer’s First Equal Pay Deal in the World

Image: GETTY

The Australian women’s soccer team will now be paid equally to the male team after securing a landmark deal Wednesday.

For the first time ever, Australia’s soccer governing body, the Football Federation of Australia (FFA) and the players’ union, Professional Footballers Australia (PFA), confirmed a new four-year deal that will close the pay disparity between Australia’s top women’s team, the Westfield Matildas, and the top men’s side, the Caltex Socceroos.

"The new agreement reflects football’s determination to address issues of gender equity in all facets of the game and build a sustainable financial model that rewards players as national team revenues increase,” the FFA and PFA announced in a shared media release.

The Matildas will now share an equal split of all commercial revenue with the Socceroos, receive the same level of coaching and admin support, and fly business class for international travel — a perk the men have long enjoyed.

The Matildas are the first top women’s soccer team ever to be guaranteed to earn the same as their male equivalents.


Извор: WUNRN - 13.11.2019


Time for World Leaders to Honor 25-Year-Old Promises & Renew Commitments on Women’s Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights, at the ICPD Conference, Say UN Human Rights Experts

GENEVA (11 November 2019) – The international community must prioritize women’s rights to meet the promises and commitments on sexual and reproductive health made at a historic global conference 25 years ago, a group of United Nations human rights experts* has said.

A tremendous amount of work remains to be done to fulfil the ambitious commitments of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) which took place in Cairo in 1994, the experts said.

“We celebrate the important progress which has been achieved. However, 25 years later, we are far from realizing the promise of the ICPD agenda,” said the UN experts, in a joint statement published as world leaders gather in Nairobi for a summit to mark the anniversary.

Joint Statement: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25280&LangID=E

“We call on the international community to reaffirm unambiguously its commitments to fulfil the unfinished agenda of ICPD and increase its political will towards and investment on women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights. We call upon decision-makers to always put women’s and girls’ human rights at the centre of policy considerations and to meaningfully involve women and girls themselves in all decisions affecting them.”


How Business Can Build a ‘Future of Work’ That Works for Women

This is a report which explores how the global community can navigate the rise of automation, artificial intelligence, and the gig economy in a way that accelerates women’s participation in the workplaceThe report provides a framework for companies to help women successfully transition and thrive as the very nature of work changes.

Direct Link to Full 66-Page 2019 Publication:


Извор: WUNRN - 04.11.2019

Millions of people (IDP’s) displaced within their own countries - Gender

By Alexandra Bilak

October 12, 2019 - 12 million people have been displaced since the start of the Syrian crisis in 2011. Roughly half have found refuge in neighbouring Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, and a very small number have gone further afield to Europe. But no less than 6 million have stayed behind and are currently displaced inside their own country.

The numbers have now swelled again in the wake of the Turkish attack on the Kurdish-held northern border area of the country.  Nearly 180,000 people are estimated to have been displaced since 9 October from the districts of Al Hasakeh, Al Malikeyyeh, Quamishli and Ras al Ain.  They join the 800,000 more who were displaced in Syria in the first six months of 2019.

The world over, it is the same story. We estimated that by 1 January 2019, over 41 million people worldwide were uprooted within their own countries as a result of conflict. This is almost twice the global number of refugees, and it does not even include the millions more displaced by disasters: 7 million worldwide in the first half of this year alone.




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