Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Parliaments urged to help deliver universal health coverage by 2030

Parliaments are being called upon to take all legal and policy measures to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030, following a resolution adopted by the 141st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Belgrade, Serbia.


Извор: Светска здравствена организација - Европа - 23.10.2019

One in three children is not growing well because of malnutrition

In many countries, and even within households, these forms of child malnutrition – undernutrition, hidden hunger, and overweight – can co-exist.

Direct Link to Full 253-Page 2019 UNICEF Report:



EU Gender Equality Index - About EU-28

Progress in gender equality in European Union since 2005

The European Union has been moving towards gender equality at a snail’s pace. With a Gender Equality Index score of 67.4 out of 100, the EU still has a lot of room for improvement. Since 2005, the EU’s score has increased by only 5.4 points (+ 1.2 points since 2015).

The EU is closest to gender equality in the domains of health (88.1 points) and money (80.4 points). Gender inequalities are most worrying in the domain of power (51.9 points). Nevertheless, the score in this domain has improved the most since 2005 (+ 13 points), due to progress in nearly every Member State.

Although the EU has progressed towards gender equality, developments are uneven between Member States. Sweden (83.6 points) and Denmark (77.5 points) are consistently the most gender-equal societies. Greece (51.2 points) and Hungary (51.9 points) have the longest way to go. Italy and Cyprus have improved the most (+ 13.8 points and + 10.4 points), while Lithuania is the only country not to have made any progress in gender equality since 2005. In some domains, progress has slowed, stalled or even regressed. We are still far from the finish line.

European Institute of Gender Equality https://eige.europa.eu/gender-equality-index/about

Извор: WUNRN - 23.10.2019

General Assembly Elects 14 Member States to the UN Human Rights Council

October 17, 2019 - The UN General Assembly today elected 14 States to the Human Rights Council, the United Nations body responsible for promoting and protecting all human rights around the globe.

By secret ballot, the Assembly elected Armenia, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Namibia, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Korea, Sudan and Venezuela.  All 14 members will serve three-year terms beginning on 1 January 2020.

The newly elected States are replacing the following outgoing members:  China, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Japan, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia and the United Kingdom.  In accordance with Assembly resolution 60/251, those Member States were eligible for immediate re-election except delegations which had already served two consecutive terms — China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the United Kingdom.




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