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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








International day of rural women toolkit 2019

The Toolkit offers advocacy graphics that you can download for social media, action ideas, striking facts, relevant connections between Rural Women and the Sustainable Development Goals and much more.

Direct Link to Full 18-Page 2019 GWI Toolkit:



International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October 2019

States Must Listen to Girls, End Prejudices & Deliver Rights: UN Experts

GENEVA (11 October 2018) – States around the world must take effective action to end discrimination and gender-based violence faced by girls, say a group of UN rights experts*. In a joint statement to mark International Day of the Girl Child, the experts say prompt action is needed so that girls can become full participants in all aspects of life. It is essential, they argue, to protect the progress already made and keep up the momentum for a world in which girls enjoy full equality:

“Harmful stereotypes and prejudices relating to age and gender too often hold girls back and place them in harm’s way. We must recognise the unique circumstances and challenges faced by girls everywhere and do more to ensure that their human rights are achieved, while empowering them to grow as active participants in communities and societies.

Through the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 1 (no poverty), Goal 4 (quality education), Goal 5 (gender equality), Goal 8 (decent work), and Goal 16 (peace and justice) the global community has committed itself to creating a world where girls can grow up free from discrimination and gender-based violence, where their gender and age will not be a barrier to equal opportunity and empowerment at all levels. However, these commitments continue to be unfulfilled, and there is a danger of regression, leaving too many girls behind.


How does climate change affect girls rights?


In periods of stress or crisis girls are often the first to drop out of school to help their families make money, do domestic chores or look after siblings. If they are out of school, they are less likely to learn about climate change and how to deal with its effects.

Child marriage

When families’ income and ability to survive are put at risk, child marriage can be seen as a way to reduce the financial burden of taking care of girls. 


During and after extreme weather events, girls are at increased risk of violence and exploitation, including sexual and physical abuse, and trafficking. These risks are heightened when collecting food, water and firewood or when staying in temporary shelters.


The future of care work – Improving quality of America’s fastest-growing jobs – Gender

Low wages and limited access to benefits among the paid adult care workforce, the largest growing occupation in the U.S. economy, threaten the economic security of care workers, and pose costs to employers and society as a whole. The study discusses the future of work for the paid adult care workforce, which is disproportionately women of color. The report finds that, while technological innovation is likely to increasingly complement care work, the potential for automation is much lower in care work than in many other jobs. Care jobs will continue to grow as other, and often better paid jobs for women disappear, potentially increasing inequality and the gender wage gap

Direct Link to Full 48-Page 2019 Report: https://iwpr.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/C486_Future-of-Care-Work_final.pdf




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

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