Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Stronger focus on nutrition within health services could save 3.7 million lives by 2025

Health services must integrate a stronger focus on ensuring optimum nutrition at each stage of a person’s life, according to a new report released by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is  estimated that the right investment in nutrition could save 3.7 million lives by 2025[1].

“In order to provide quality health services and achieve Universal Health Coverage, nutrition should be positioned as one of the cornerstones of essential health packages,” said Dr Naoko Yamamoto, Assistant Director-General at WHO. “We also need better food environments which allow all people to consume healthy diets.”


Ребаланс на буџетот во септември или октомври

Заменик-министерката за финансии Ширет Елези изјави денеска дека наплатата на даноците и општите приходи во првата половина од годинава е зголемена за 6,6 отсто, односно дека се реализирани 96,2 милијарди денари од планираните 210 милијарди. Таа најави и ребаланс на буџетот во септември или октомври.

„Ребалансот на буџетот е редовна пракса и се прави секоја година и веќе службите се во подготовка на анализа на реализацијата на сите проекти без разлика дали се тековни или капитални во делот на податоците што ги црпат од Трезорот. Се планира да се реализира во септември или октомври и за тоа јавноста ќе биде благовремено информирана“, изјави Елези по денешниот увид во градежните активности за реновирање на ОУ „Рајко Жинзифов“ во скопската општина Чаир.


Извор: Радио Слободна Европа – 17.07.2019


1 in 10 children miss out on lifesaving vaccines: new data from WHO and UNICEF

20 million children worldwide – more than 1 in 10 – missed out on lifesaving vaccines such as measles, diphtheria and tetanus in 2018, according to new data from WHO and UNICEF. Most unvaccinated children live in the poorest countries and are disproportionately in fragile or conflict-affected states.
Since 2010, vaccination coverage with 3 doses of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis and 1 dose of the measles vaccine has stalled at around 86% globally. 95% coverage is needed to protect against outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.

News release

More about immunization

Извор: Светска здравствена организација – 15.07.2019


1,000 life-changing days

This new video from EuroHealthNet explores the effects of social, emotional, and physical environments during the first three years of life on long-term health and wellbeing. It looks at the actions needed to create solid foundations for later life.

The first 1000 days of life are extraordinary.

It is when the foundations of the rest of our lives are created. The brain develops more than at any other time. It is when our surroundings affect us the most.

Those days shape the adults we become, our future health and wellbeing, and our ability to raise happy and healthy future generations.

In those first 1000 days and beyond, not all children have the same opportunities to grow and thrive. 


The video is available in English, French, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Извор: EuroHealthNet – 04.07.2019

Expanding access to health services with self-care interventions

24 June 2019│ At least 400 million people worldwide lack access to the most essential health services. By 2035, there will be an estimated shortage of nearly 13 million healthcare workers. Around 1 in 5 of the world’s population will be living in settings that are experiencing humanitarian crises. At the same time, new diagnostics, devices, drugs and digital innovations are transforming how people interact with the health sector.

In response to this, WHO launched its first guideline on self-care interventions for health, with a focus in this first volume on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Some of the interventions include self-sampling for HPV and sexually transmitted infections, self-injectable contraceptives, home-based ovulation predictor kits, HIV self-testing and self-management of medical abortion.




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