Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Permanent UN Forum on Indigenous Issues 2019 - Indigenous Women


18th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

Date: 22 April – 3 May 2019 - United Nations Headquarters, NYC

Theme: “Traditional Knowledge: Generation, Transmission & Protection”


EU - Gender Employment Gap in the European Union

March 7, 2019 - In 2017, the employment rate of women aged 20 – 64 (66.5%) was 11.5 percentage points (pp) lower than that of men aged 20 - 64 (78.0%) in the European Union (EU). In other words, the gender employment gap in the EU stood at 11.5 pp.

Among the EU Member States, the gender employment gap was lowest in Lithuania (1.0 pp), Finland (3.5 pp), Sweden (4.0 pp) and Latvia (4.3 pp).

At the opposite end of the scale, the largest employment gap between men and women was observed in Malta (24.1 pp), followed by Italy (19.8 pp) and Greece (19.7 pp).


Global Press Freedom Country Index Ranking 2019

The degree of freedom available to journalists in 180 countries is determined by pooling the responses of experts to a questionnaire devised by RSF. This qualitative analysis is combined with quantitative data on abuses and acts of violence against journalists during the period evaluated. The criteria evaluated in the questionnaire are pluralism, media independence, media environment and self-censorship, legislative framework, transparency, and the quality of the infrastructure that supports the production of news and information.


To grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more

New WHO guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age

Children under five must spend less time sitting watching screens, or restrained in prams and seats, get better quality sleep and have more time for active play if they are to grow up healthy, according to new guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Achieving health for all means doing what is best for health right from the beginning of people’s lives,” says WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Early childhood is a period of rapid development and a time when family lifestyle patterns can be adapted to boost health gains.”

The new guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age were developed by a WHO panel of experts. They assessed the effects on young children of inadequate sleep, and time spent sitting watching screens or restrained in chairs and prams. They also reviewed evidence around the benefits of increased activity levels.

“Improving physical activity, reducing sedentary time and ensuring quality sleep in young children will improve their physical, mental health and wellbeing, and help prevent childhood obesity and associated diseases later in life,” says Dr Fiona Bull, programme manager for surveillance and population-based prevention of noncommunicable diseases, at WHO.


Update: Factsheet on childhood, health inequalities, and vaccine preventable diseases

EuroHealthNet has updated and relaunched its factsheet on childhood, health inequalities, and vaccine preventable diseases, first published in April 2018. It covers the current state of vaccination and inequality, what action is being taken at international and national levels, and what else can be done.

Not all people in Europe benefit equally from the many advantages of vaccinations. Social and financial inequalities in society are reflected in immunisation uptake. Whether or not a child is vaccinated is influenced by wealth, parental education level, place of residence, and gender.

EuroHealthNet Factsheet on Vaccination - updated April 2019

Извор: Euro Health Net – 19.04.2019




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