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The future of care work – Improving quality of America’s fastest-growing jobs – Gender

Low wages and limited access to benefits among the paid adult care workforce, the largest growing occupation in the U.S. economy, threaten the economic security of care workers, and pose costs to employers and society as a whole. The study discusses the future of work for the paid adult care workforce, which is disproportionately women of color. The report finds that, while technological innovation is likely to increasingly complement care work, the potential for automation is much lower in care work than in many other jobs. Care jobs will continue to grow as other, and often better paid jobs for women disappear, potentially increasing inequality and the gender wage gap

Direct Link to Full 48-Page 2019 Report: https://iwpr.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/C486_Future-of-Care-Work_final.pdf

Извор: WUNRN - 11.10.2019




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