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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Australia – Engaging men who use violence: Invitational narrative approaches

23 October 2019 - Sustainable change is likely for men who use violence against women and children when a reflective counselling approach is used, according to research published today by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS).

Engaging men in a conversation about change is one of the key challenges for practitioners working with men who use violence. The report’s findings suggests that an “invitational narrative” approach can build men’s emotional and intentional investment, making sustainable change more likely and contributing to long-term social transformation.

The study found that the approach gives men a safe space to address shame and “reauthor” the story of who they are and how they behave. This supports self-generated and personally meaningful change.

In narrative practice, counsellors use curious, non-judgemental enquiry to encourage men to reflect on their particular circumstances, articulate their "ethical preferences" and identify what prevents them from living in accordance with their stated values.

Direct Link to Full 14-Page 2019 ANROWS Study Report:


Извор: WUNRN - 27.10.2019

Trends in maternal mortality 2000 to 2017

This report presents internationally comparable global, regional and country-level estimates and trends for maternal mortality between 2000 and 2017. The Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2015, include a target for reducing the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. The data in this report show that the world remains off-track in efforts to achieve this important and globally agreed objective.

Accurate measurement of maternal mortality remains challenging and many deaths still go uncounted. Many countries still lack well-functioning civil registration and vital statistics systems, and where such systems do exist, reporting errors – whether incompleteness (unregistered deaths, also known as “missing”) or misclassification of cause of death – continue to pose a major challenge to data accuracy.

Direct Link to Full 119-Page 2019 Published Report:


Извор: WUNRN - 25.10.2019



Dignified Menstruation Day, December 8

Important Inclusion in the 2019 16 Days Campaign on Violence Against Women

Dignified Menstruation Advocacy Fact Guide Is Attached.

By Radha Paudel - October 20, 2019

Menstrual Practice Is an Underlying Cause for VAW, GBV

It is clear that girls, women, who menstruate regardless of caste, class, race, education, religion, nationality are subject to various forms of visible violence due to the invisible violence sustained by deep ignorance on menstruation, biases on menstruation as a “women’s issue” or a “private issue”, and global silence due to stigma and shame. 

Due to the stigma, shame, and taboo around menstruation, there are adverse immediate and long-term impact on one’s mental, physical, emotional, and social health including all forms of gender- based violence, rape, murder, sexual assault, death, and more.


Public health at the centre of a sustainable future

Commitment to public health and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as ongoing and future cooperation between WHO and the Russian Federation, were centre stage as WHO Regional Director for Europe ad interim, Dr Piroska Östlin, attended the Third All-Russian Forum on Public Health and the NCD Investment Case Forum last week.


Извор: Светска здравствена организација - Европа - 23.10.2019



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