Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Fighting violence against women must become a top priority

Strasbourg, 29/07/2014 – “On August 1, the Istanbul Convention, a landmark treaty of the Council of Europe dedicated to preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, will enter into force. It could not come at a better time. Violence against women remains one of the most widespread human rights violations which takes place every day in Europe; intimate partner violence is still among the major causes of non-accidental death, injury and disability for women. This tragic situation stems from a variety of social, economic and cultural reasons, but a common background condition is glaring inequality between men and women. The Convention has the potential to become a powerful driver in making progress on this pressing human rights issue”, says Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, in his latest Human Rights Comment published today.

If we look at available data, we can better grasp the urgency of the situation. It is estimated that at least 12 women are killed by gender-related violence in Europe every day. In 2013, available statistics showed that domestic violence claimed the lives of 121 women in France, 134 in Italy, 37 in Portugal, 54 in Spain and 143 in the United Kingdom. In Azerbaijan 83 women were killed and 98 committed suicide following cases of domestic violence, while data collected by the media in Turkey reported that at least 214 women were killed by men last year, mainly because of domestic violence and often despite these women having asked the authorities for protection. Available data covering the first six months of 2014 in many European countries continue to show such alarming figures.

More information  

Извор: Европска Комисија – 29.07.2014

What HIV Programs Work for Adolescent Girls?

Author: Karen Hardee - Jill Gay - Melanie Croce-Galis  - Nana Ama Afari-Dwamena

Affiliation: Reproductive Health Program Population Council (Hardee), What Works Association (Gay, Croce-Galis), Center for Policy and Advocacy, Health Policy Project, Futures Group (Gay, Croce-Galis), and Consultant in Epidemiology and Occupational Health (CEOH) (Afari-Dwamena)

In this study, in order to evaluate the high rates of HIV infection among adolescent girls and to present evidence on what works globally to address the risk, researchers reviewed evidence on programming for adolescents from 150 studies and evaluations from 2001 to June 2013.

"Given the multiple influences on the lives of adolescents, from family to community to society, it is important to look beyond the health sector for interventions to reach adolescent girls. The evidence for programming for adolescent girls falls under a range of interventions in 3 areas: (1) to address the enabling environment: increase educational attainment for girls, promote gender-equitable norms, include a focus on adolescents in programs to reduce gender-based violence, and strengthen legal norms to protect adolescent girls; (2) information and service needs of adolescent girls: provide age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, increase knowledge about and access to information and services including condoms and other contraceptives, and expand harm reduction programs to include adolescent girls who inject drugs; and (3) social support: promote caring relationships with adults and provide support for adolescent female orphans and vulnerable children (OVC)."


A new Convention for combating domestic violence

Strasbourg, 28.07.2014 – “On 1 August 2014, a new stage will begin in the protection of human rights in Europe: the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence will enter into force in 11 Council of Europe member States,” the President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), Anne Brasseur, said today.

“The Istanbul Convention enshrines the most advanced and comprehensive set of standards at international level to tackle violence against women and domestic violence. Although it focuses primarily on women, it would be simplistic to consider it a convention on women's rights. It will benefit society as a whole: the women and girls who are subjected to violence because of their gender; the women, men and children who are victims or witnesses of domestic violence; the perpetrators who want to be rehabilitated; men, who are not only part of the problem but also part of the solution; and today's boys and girls whom we want to grow up believing in the full equality and dignity of human beings,” she added.


A best-seller: the users’ manual for implementation of human rights indicators

The framework of human rights indicators developed by the UN Human Rights Office is now in use in many countries. Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay, have all embraced the framework, as have Philippines, Kenya, Portugal, and the United Kingdom.

UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Flavia Pansieri, says it is essential that robust statistics are available to translate human rights commitments into targeted policies, and to assess the effectiveness of those policies.

At a Human Rights Council event, during the 26th session, jointly organised by the Governments of Portugal and Paraguay, the Deputy High Commissioner, stressing the importance of monitoring and evaluation work said, “If you don’t count it, it won’t count.”

Pansieri said the model, developed by the UN Human Rights Office that is adapted by individual countries to reflect their particular concerns and characteristics, is also crucial in detecting discrimination and pockets of exclusion.


Владата го усвои мини-ребалансот на Буџетот

На синоќешната седница на Владата е усвоен  ребалансот на Буџетот и истиот е доставен до Собранието на Република Македонија. Според министерот Ставревски станува збор за мини-ребаланс кој изнесува околу 2 отсто од вкупните приходи и расходи.

 - Причината е да се усогласи динамиката на расходи која е подобра од предвидувањата посебно во делот на инфраструктурата со динамиката на приходната страна. Со ребалансот обезбедивме дополнителни средства за реализација на одредени инфраструктурни проекти, вели Ставрески.

Тој посочи дека за разлика од некои земји, од Србија и Португалија кои ја намалија платата за 10 проценти, во Македонија не само што ќе нема намалување на платите и пензиите, туку напротив октомвриската плата на јавната администрација ќе и биде зголемена за 5 проценти како што беше најавено, а по Нова година ќе следи и зголемување на пензиите.

Буџетскиот дефицит со ребалансот ќе оствари благо зголемување од 3,5 на 3,9 отсто од БДП.




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