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World Economic Outlook (WEO) update

An Uneven Global Recovery Continues

 •The global growth projection for 2014 has been marked down by 0.3 percent to 3.4 percent, reflecting both the legacy of the weak first quarter, particularly in the United States, and a less optimistic outlook for several emerging markets. With somewhat stronger growth expected in some advanced economies next year, the global growth projection for 2015 remains at 4 percent.1/

Global growth is expected to rebound from the second quarter of 2014, as some of the drivers underlying first quarter weakness, such as the inventory correction in the United States, should have only temporary effects, and others should be offset by policies, including in China. But the first-quarter setback will only be partially offset.

Downside risks remain a concern. Increased geopolitical risks could lead to sharply higher oil prices. Financial market risks include higher-than-expected U.S. long-term rates and a reversal of recent risk spread and volatility compression. Global growth could be weaker for longer, given the lack of robust momentum in advanced economies despite very low interest rates and the easing of other brakes to the recovery. In some major emerging market economies, the negative growth effects of supply-side constraints and the tightening of financial conditions over the past year could be more protracted.

In many advanced and emerging market economies, structural reforms are urgently needed to close infrastructure gaps, strengthen productivity, and lift potential growth.


Financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union and its rules of application, March 2014

This publication is a compilation of recently updated EU financial rules. With the new Financial Regulation as its backbone, it also contains its detailed rules of application, which are presented synoptically, i.e. alongside the Financial Regulation articles they refer to. A selection of the most relevant basic legal texts completes this practical tool for anyone dealing with the management of EU funds. In this respect, this booklet follows the tradition of previous similar comprehensible handbooks appreciated by many experts for compiling all relevant information in a practical way, both for those who will need an occasional reference and for those who will use it on a daily basis.

Read the full report  

Source: European Commission



Consolidated annual accounts of the European Union and Report on budgetary and financial management for 2013

Court of Auditors – Consolidated annual accounts of the European Union - financial year 2013 - Consolidated financial statements and consolidated reports on implementation of the budget.

The audit report from the European Court of Auditors is still pending.

Read the reports on the following link:



Source: European Commission


Women’s lives and challenges: Equality and Empowerment since 2000

Promoting gender equality and empowering women is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs explicitly recognize that gender equality and women’s empowerment are not only human rights, but also play a powerful role in promoting development and reducing poverty. When women have the same opportunities, access to resources, and life choices as men, the benefits extend far beyond women themselves. As women work to strengthen their families and communities, they foster the education and health of the next generation, hasten economic growth, and strengthen public and private institutions.

A wealth of research has documented the inequities that women face from their earliest years and in every facet of their lives, including in education, employment, marriage, parenthood, and political participation. Women also face unique challenges, including meeting their reproductive health needs and the threat of gender-based violence. Overcoming these challenges and empowering women to fulfill their potential as equal members of society requires profound changes in attitudes, roles, and behaviors inside the home, at the workplace, and in the community.


Gender & Development Volume 22, Issue 2, July 2014 - Gender, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

In this issue of G&D, we examine the topic of Gender, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) from a gender equality and women's rights perspective, and hope to prove that a good MEL system is an activist's best friend! This unique collection of articles captures the knowledge of a range of development practitioners and women's rights activists, who write about a variety of organisational approaches to MEL. Contributors come from both the global South and the global North and have tried to share their experience accessibly, making what is often very complex and technical material as clear as possible to non-MEL specialists.

More Information

Извор: WUNRN – 31.07.2014




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