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The seventh edition of COPASAH Communique

The seventh edition of COPASAH Communiqué contains articles on practice of accountability in health from India, Africa and other parts of the world as well as updates on the engagement of COPASAH members.  The updates on the facilitated learning exchange initiated by COPASAH, the COPASAH accountability lab and participation of COPASAH members in the upcoming global symposium on health systems research in Cape Town, South Africa from 30th September – 4th October 2014 are the additional features in this communiqué.

Read the whole document here



World Bank dilutes human rights protections on projects it finances

World Bank Opts Out of Safeguards on Land Rights, & Prevention of Impoverishment, Displacement, & Environmental Damage

Civil Society Voice, Including Women, Gathers Momentum

New York, London, New Delhi, July 29, 2014 – Civil society organisations around the world are decrying a leaked draft of the World Bank’s proposed new policies to avoid harmful impacts from the development projects that it finances. Despite earlier commitments by Bank President Jim Yong Kim that the policies would not be diluted and that safeguards on land rights would be strengthened, the proposed changes have gutted essential requirements that are necessary to prevent displacement, impoverishment, and environmental damage. The draft policies are up for discussion by the Bank’s board on July 30 ahead of public consultations.

The Joint NGO & Civil Society Statement is available here.

The leaked World Bank draft safeguards framework is available here.

“This draft effectively winds back the clock to the 1970s, before the Bank had binding policies in place to protect the poor and the environment. We see nothing more than a naked attempt by the Bank to shield itself from accountability for the destructive impacts of the mega-projects it is planning.” said Madhuresh Kumar, National Organizer of the National Alliance of People’s Movements in India.


COPASAH Communique April - June 2014

Dear COPASAH members, friends and associates,

Greetings on behalf of COPASAH!

We are happy to announce that the seventh edition of COPASAH Communique, the newsletter of COPASAH, is out now! The newsletter is attached with this mail. It is also available online and can be downloaded from  http://www.copasah.net/april---june-2014.html.

The seventh edition of  COPASAH Communiqué  contains articles on practice of accountability in health from India, Africa and other parts of the world  as well as updates on the engagement of COPASAH members.  The  updates on  the facilitated learning exchange initiated  by COPASAH, the COPASAH accountability lab  and participation of COPASAH members in the upcoming global symposium on health systems research in Cape Town, South Africa from 30th September – 4th October, 2014 are the additional features in this communiqué.


Women's "8 Red Flags" following the conclusion of the UN Open working group on sustainable development goals

Women’s Major Group Final Statement – 21 July 2014

Adoption of Outcome a Significant Step but Sustainable Development Goals (SDG'S) Still Lacking Real Ambition for Urgent Transformational Change the World Needs to Achieve Gender Equality, Women’s Human Rights, Sustainable Development in Harmony with Nature, and End Inequalities.

On Saturday 19th of July, the first phase of a 2-year policy process at the United Nations, in which member states proposed a new set of global goals for sustainable development, ended. These new goals will follow in the footsteps of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and will determine new commitments and funding for sustainable development.

The General Assembly’s (GA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) finished its mandate, and submits a report with a proposal for sustainable development goals to the 68th session of the UN General Assembly as part of the “Post 2015” process. The SDG process has been inclusive of all Member States as well as the Women’s and other civil society Major Groups and we welcome this openness. We are convinced that civil society’s full and meaningful participation in decision-making are among the essential aspects of our new global development agenda.


За половина година Владата ги преполовила парите на својата сметка во НБРМ!

Вкупно се повлечени 8,9 милијарди денари односно 144,3 милиони евра , а најголеми повлекувања пари од сметките има во периодот јануари –февруари 68,8 милиони евра и во периодот март - април уште 40,5 милиони евра

Владата ги намалила своите депозити во Народната банка за 8,9 милијарди (144,3 милиони евра) денари за период од шест месеци, од почетокот до крајот на јуни годинава, покажуваат новите официјални податоци на централната банка објавени на нејзината интернет страница. Во овој период од шест месеци Владата ги преполовила , односно ги намалила за 54 отсто, парите што ги имала на своите сметки во централната банка.

Во ставката трансферабилни депозити кои се исклучени од монетарната база Владата на почетокот на годинава чувала 16,52 милијарди денари односно (268,23 милиони евра). На крајот на јуни на своите сметки кај централната банка Владата имала 7,6 милијарди денари односно 123,38 милиони евра.

Засега нема официјално образложение за кои намени биле трансферирани или потрошени овие 144,3 милиони евра од сметките во централната банка. Според аналитичари можно е да се работи за плаќања кои Владата ги сервисирала во одредениот временски период. Постои можност тие средства само да биле трансферирани во други банки или со нив да биле плаќани некои достасани обврски на Владата.




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