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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








COPASAH Communique April - June 2014

Dear COPASAH members, friends and associates,

Greetings on behalf of COPASAH!

We are happy to announce that the seventh edition of COPASAH Communique, the newsletter of COPASAH, is out now! The newsletter is attached with this mail. It is also available online and can be downloaded from  http://www.copasah.net/april---june-2014.html.

The seventh edition of  COPASAH Communiqué  contains articles on practice of accountability in health from India, Africa and other parts of the world  as well as updates on the engagement of COPASAH members.  The  updates on  the facilitated learning exchange initiated  by COPASAH, the COPASAH accountability lab  and participation of COPASAH members in the upcoming global symposium on health systems research in Cape Town, South Africa from 30th September – 4th October, 2014 are the additional features in this communiqué.

I hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter and benefit by the insights as well as valuable learnings that it provides.

Please send in your comments and feedback to us. We shall soon be inviting articles for the next edition of the newsletter. Do send in your articles by  September 15, 2014.
Best Regards,

Premdas (CHSJ)

South Asia Region Coordinator – COPASAH

Communication Hub for COPASAH

COPASAH Communique April - June 2014

 Source: COPASAH




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