Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Hear Our Voices - Adolescent Girls - Gender Equality & Girls' Empowerment in Schools

‘Hear Our Voices’ study spoke directly with more than 7,000 girls and boys in 11 countries, spanning 4 regions of the world. Plan developed the tools to ask adolescent girls and boys about their experiences of girls’ empowerment and gender equality in schools.

Hear Our Voices – Do adolescent girls` issues really matter?

Girl Empowerment Star - http://plan-international.org/files/global/publications/campaigns/girls-empowerment-star-english.pdf

The Girl Empowerment Star helps monitor girls' perceptions of the opportunities and empowerment in their lives. It involves focus group discussions with girls ages 12-16.

School Equality Scorecard - http://plan-international.org/files/global/publications/campaigns/school-equality-scorecard-english.pdf

The School Equality Scorecard asks adolescent girls and boys, ages 12-16, to reflect upon school equality and safety.

Извор: WUNRN – 31.08.2014


For years, with hope & heartache, women search for the missing, the victims of enforced disappearances

International day of the victims of enforced disappearances - 30 august remove all obstacles to aid investigations on fate of disappeared persons

GENEVA–Two United Nations expert groups on enforced disappearances call on States “to remove all obstacles” to aid investigations into the fate of disappeared persons.

On the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, the Committee on Enforced Disappearances and the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances urge Governments to support relatives of the disappeared by removing all obstacles hindering their search for loved ones, including through the opening of all archives, especially military files.

“More than 43,000 cases, the majority dating back decades, remain outstanding with the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. These cases stay open for several reasons, often because relatives have no support in finding out what happened. 


Celebrations underway for 25th anniversary of the Convention on the rights of the child

Celebrating 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child!
There are events going on all over the world this year in celebration of 25 years since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It is a time to celebrate children as rights holders and take stock of the challenges that remain in ensuring that all children know about - and are empowered to claim - their rights.

CRC25 Google+ Hangout
On 24 September 2014 the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) will dedicate a day to speak with children (defined as in the Convention on the Rights of the Child as persons under the age of 18) from 16 different countries. There will be four sessions during the day so that the Committee can speak to children in different timezones.

More information on this link (http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRC/Pages/CRC25thAnniversary.aspx)

Извор: WUNRN – 29.08.2014


National Action Plan Monitoring & Evaluation Guide

The National Action Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Guide is meant to be a resource for policy-makers and civil society leaders as they seek to develop, implement, and track progress of national strategies aimed at advancing women’s inclusion. In attempting to develop a “short” guide on such a rich topic, however, there are invariably issues that get left out.

There is an ongoing political discussion about the progress of NAPs and UN Security Council Resolution 1325, as well as the gaps that continue to persist. This document focuses specifically on monitoring and evaluation, but Inclusive Security and the Resolution to Act team acknowledge that further discussion and action is needed related to the shortage of financial support for NAPs, the extent to which civil society organizations are fully included throughout the lifecycle of a NAP, and whether NAPs should be internally- or externally-focused (or some combination thereof).

National Action Plan Monitoring & Evaluation Guide

Извор: WUNRN – 28.08.2014


EU/EC - Call for more women representatives at the european commission + call for appointment of European Commissioner for Women's Rights

The European Commission is composed of the College of Commissioners of 28 members, including the President and vice-presidents. The Commissioners, one from each EU country, provide the Commission's political leadership during their 5-year term. The European Commission is the EU's executive body and represents the interests of Europe as a whole (as opposed to the interests of individual countries).

The composition of the new European Commission is going to be confirmed at the meeting of the EU Heads of States this weekend. Almost all Member States have however already proposed their candidates for Commisioner and at the moment only 4 women have been designated out of 28. This means that not even 15% of the Commission would be women, less than half as many as in the outgoing Commission Barroso.

For the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) the question arises: is this the Europan Union we want?

The EWL, the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union (EU), is simply outraged. This is a clear disgrace to democracy and equality between women and men; ideals that form the core values of the EU. Women’s rights organisations across Europe cannot accept that the future Commission is not representing the diversity of the European society, by obviously ignoring 50% of the population. The EWL and its members say loud and clear: “No thank you! This is not our European Union”.




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