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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Women in National Parliaments

The data in the tables below has been compiled by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the basis of information provided by National Parliaments by 1st June 2014. The percentages do not take into account the case of parliaments for which no data was available at that date. Comparative data on the percentage of women in each National Parliament as well as data concerning the two regional parliamentary assemblies elected by direct suffrage can be found on separate pages. You can use the PARLINE database to view detailed results of parliamentary elections by country.

New: you can now consult an archive of statistical data on women in National Parliaments.


On Norms & Agency - Conversations about Gender Equality with Women & Men in 20 Countries

  • The report synthesizes data collected from more than 4000 women and men in 93 communities across 20 countries.

  • It is the largest data set ever collected on the topic of gender and development, providing an unprecedented opportunity to examine potential patterns across communities on social norms and gender roles, pathways of empowerment, and factors that drive acute inequalities.

  • Women's agency is key to economic development and gender equality. Women and men's agency are affected by aspirations, social norms, and the set of opportunities available in the community.

  • Social norms on gender and gender roles are strikingly similar across countries , cultures, urban and rural settings. Women's roles tend to be rigid and closely formed around household and child care activities.

In most countries and contexts, women are gaining increased control over economic and economic decisions. Men's perceptions are that their control and well being are more stagnant.

More information  

Извор: WUNRN – 15.07.2014


Gender Transformative Giving: A Report on the Next Phase of Feminist Philanthropy

The gender lens model calls on us to examine the underpinnings of social behaviors that are inhibitors to gender equity. Here at Women’s Funding Network, our values are rooted in race, class, gender equity and inclusion, and we believe that deepening our understanding of gender norms is essential to our practice in social justice philanthropy.

This report, co-authored by Women’s Funding Network, True Child, and Public Interest Projects, is meant to catalyze a larger conversation around how we view philanthropy and how gifts can impact greater social change when work is conceived through a gender lens.

Historically, the traditional feminist frame of gender lens has unintentionally excluded important constituencies in identifying with the women’s funding movement. This report outlines how a comprehensive gender lens can help create movement building that is inclusive of diverse communities and different generations.

The increased violence and sexual assault on women and girls in the media suggests an urgent need for greater understanding of cultural norms and the need to adapt new strategies not only in philanthropy, but in the larger social and educational institutions. Women’s foundations, therefore, have an important role to play in creating social change in this regard at the state and local levels. 

Извор: WUNRN – 02.07.2014


Државниот завод за ревизија на РМ го објави годишниот извештај за работата на заводот за 2013 година

Во годишниот извештај на ДЗР се вели дека во 2013 година извршени се 103 ревизии (2012 - 54 ревизии) од кои 93 ревизии на финансиски извештаи заедно со ревизии на усогласеност, 3 тематски ревизии и 7 ревизии на успешност. Од извршените ревизии издадени се 155 (2012 – 93) ревизорски извештаи од кои 145 - за финансиска ревизија, 3 за тематска ревизија и 7 ревизорски извештаи за ревизии на успешност.

Прочитај повеќе


Усвоена е завршната сметка на буџетот на Република Македонија за 2013 година

Во текот на 2013 година, според Завршната сметка, наплатени се вкупно 140.248 милиони денари на име приходи од буџетот, што е за 9.043 милиони денари помалку од планираниот износ. Воедно, за истиот период потрошени се вкупно 159.505 милиони денари или 9.036 милиони денари помалку од планираниот износ. Со ваквата динамика на прибирање и трошење на средства од буџетот на РМ во 2013 година остварен е дефицит во износ од 19.257 милиони денари, кој е покриен преку задолжување.

Министерството за здравство на РМ истата година потрошило кои во најголем дел се обезбедени преку основниот буџет на државата и 270.849.474 преку кредити и 251.290.998 преку донации.

Фондот за здравствено осигурување на РМ потрошил 21.886.874.430 денари.

Прочитај повеќе 




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