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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Започна собраниската расправа по предлог буџетот на РМ за 2015 година

Собраниската расправа по предлог буџетот на РМ за 2015 година започна без присуство на опозицијата, а со обраќање на министерот за јавни финансии. Индикаторите за напредок на РМ и макроекономските проекции кои беа презентирани во експозето на министерот се речиси идентични како и оние наведени во предлог буџетот за 2014 година.

Односно, на седницата министерот го наведе следното: Заштита на стандардот на граѓаните преку зголемување на платите на администрацијата, пензиите и социјалните надоместоци и повеќе средства за капитални проекти, се главните цели на буџетот за наредната година, рече министерот за финансии Зоран Ставрески на почетокот на Собраниската расправа за буџетот. За следната година се предлага буџет од 2,95 милијарди евра. Капиталните инвестиции се проектираат на 345 милиони евра. Приходите се проектирани на 2,65 милијарди евра, а расходите на 2,95 милијарди евра, односно се предвидува буџетски дефицит од 300 милиони евра или 3,5 отсто од БДП. Растот на економијата е проектиран на 4 проценти, а инфлацијата до два проценти. Расправата за буџетот според Деловникот на Собранието треба да заврши за пет дена.

Погледни ги сите документи поврзани со оваа вест:

Предлог закон за извршување на буџетот на РМ за 2015 година

Предлог буџет на РМ за 2015 година

16.10.2014 година


Marking World Day, UN spotlights rural women as ‘force’ that can drive global progress

Rural women sell mango and sweet potato jam at the food processing shop in Bantantinnting, Senegal. UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Rural women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development, the United Nations declared ahead of the International Day commemorated as an opportunity to promote their empowerment.

“Collectively, rural women are a force that can drive global progress,” said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a message marking the occasion, which he also said was especially personal.

“My mother has lived her whole life in the countryside. Although she did not receive much of a formal education, I grew up appreciate her wisdom, resilience and intelligence,” he said.

When we give rural women access to productive agricultural and natural resources, we empower them. They, in turn, can contribute more to alleviating hunger and boosting the ability of their communities to cope with the effects of climate change, land degradation and displacement. This benefits all people.

These qualities are shared by millions of rural women around the world, said Mr. Ban. This is why women living in the countryside are essential if we as an international community to move ahead on the post-2015 development goals and conclude a universal climate agreement.


Gender equality & Female empowerment policy

Gender equality and female empowerment are core development objectives, fundamental for the realization of human rights and key to effective and sustainable development outcomes. No society can develop successfully without providing equitable opportunities, resources, and life prospects for males and females so that they can shape their own lives and contribute to their families and communities. Although many gender gaps have narrowed over the past two decades, substantial inequalities remain across all sectors in which USAID works, particularly in low income and conflictaffected countries and among disadvantaged groups.

Gender equality & Female empowerment policy

Извор: WUNRN – 15.10.2014


Right to food: Past commitment, current obligation, future action – Women

10 years ago FAO Member States adopted unanimously the Right to Food Guidelines, which provide practical guidance on how the human right to adequate food can be realized. What can we learn from the first 10 years of implementation to get better for the future?

The draft synthesis report on current trends and challenges to realize the right to food will be discussed at the FAO Committe on World Food Security (CFS 41) Session in October 2014.

The Right to Food: Past commitment, current obligation, further action for the future

Извор: WUNRN – 14.10.2014


International Day of Rural Women - October 15 - WWSF Prize & Laureates for Women's Creativity in Rural Life

We celebrate with you on this year’s International Day of Rural Women our 20th anniversary of the annual Prize for women’s creativity in rural life, humbly giving credit where it’s due. WWSF is happy to announce online the eight selected women leaders who improve the quality of life in rural families and communities, bringing the total number of WWSF prizewinners over thepast 20 years to 403 in over 130 countries.

Women's World Summit Foundation

WWSF Open Letter to Rural Women of the World 2014

*Prize for Women's Creativity in Rural Life & 2014 Laureates 

Извор: WUNRN – 14.10.2014




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