Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Latin America - Disruption Film - Empowered Grassroots Women Confront Inequality, Expland Inclusion

The DISRUPTION film explores a groundbreaking initiative that seeks to eradicate poverty by empowering women on government assistance programs in Colombia, Peru and Brazil to “save their way out of poverty.” The film interweaves women’s testimonies to the transformative power of financial education with the story of Fundación Capital, a group of dynamic activist-economists that believes when you invest in women you change society. As women share how economic empowerment led to their growth as local political figures, entrepreneurs, and peer-educators, we follow the team at Fundación Capital while they strive to bring their successful grassroots model to millions more women across the region, collaborating with governments and big banks in order to do so. In a time when many of the world’s problems seem intractable, the stories of the characters in DISRUPTION show us how society can be transformed for the better through community-led change.

Film segment:




Извор: WUNRN – 14.10.2014

The role of mental health in primary prevention of sexual & gender-based violence (SGBV)

Aník Gevers, Elizabeth Dartnall

In this short communication, we assert that mental health has a crucial role in the primary prevention of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). However, we found that most research and practice to date has focused on the role of mental health post-violence, and SGBV primary prevention is relying on public health models that do not explicitly include mental health. Yet, key concepts, processes, and competencies in the mental health field appear essential to successful SGBV primary prevention. For example, empathy, self-esteem, compassion, emotional regulation and resilience, stress management, relationship building, and challenging problematic social norms are crucial. Furthermore, competencies such as rapport building, group processing, emotional nurturing, modelling, and the prevention of vicarious trauma among staff are important for the successful implementation of SGBV primary prevention programmes. SGBV primary prevention work would benefit from increased collaboration with mental health professionals and integration of key mental health concepts, processes, and skills in SGBV research.

This paper is part of the Special Issue: Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health. More papers from this issue can be found at http://www.globalhealthaction.net

The role of mental health in primary prevention of sexual & gender-based violence

Извор: WUNRN – 13.10.2014


Empowering girls: ending the cycle of violence

Geneva, Switzerland — In a commentary to mark the International Day of the Girl, Dr Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director-General for the Family, Women's and Children's Health Cluster at WHO speaks on this year's theme of "Empowering girls: ending the cycle of violence".

More information

Извор: Светска здравствена организација – 11.10.2014


Istanbul Convention on preventing & combating violence against women & domestic violence

Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence

More information about the treaty

The Istanbul Convention is not only a policy framework containing legally binding obligations on its state parties, but it is also source of guidance and inspiration for practitioners in the fields of justice, security, health, or social services, including those from civil society.

The Council of Europe has now launched a collection of papers on the Convention as a specific tool for the implementation of this ground-breaking treaty. Each of the existing and future papers in this collection is designed as an easy to use, ‘how to’ guide each dedicated to one specific article of the Convention. They follow a general structure that comprises a detailed description of the nature of the obligations contained in the respective article, good practice examples, and information on state-of-the-art research and resources for the implementation of the provisions therein.

The first three papers in this collection address the topic of preventing violence against women:

Preventing violence against women: Article 12 of the Istanbul Convention

Raising awareness of violence against women : Article 13 of the Istanbul Convention

Domestic and sexual violence perpetrator programmes: Article 16 of the Istanbul Convention

More information

Извор: WUNRN – 13.10.2014


Turkey - New Women's Political Party Emerges

Symbol representing Turkey's newest political party: Kadin Partisi (Women's Party)

By Sarrah Safi - A tsunami of domestic abuse cases is flooding the courts in Turkey’s judicial system, with an increasing number of women finding courage to come forth seeking justice against those who inflict violence upon them. Among these women are activists, including those seeking a bigger, better solution to the lack of justice given to female victims.

The in-depth article,Turkey’s Rampant Domestic Abuse Problem,” published by The Daily Beast, cites various women and their experiences regarding abuse in Turkey.

“In the evenings we listened to the shouts, the cries, the swearing. In the morning we went on with our lives as usual. The entire neighborhood pretended not to have heard, not to have seen,” Turkish author Elif Shafak explains, recalling a past experience.

Though women have gradually been forthcoming about their cases of abuse, perpetrators remain unpunished. This widespread problem in Turkey leaves women with nowhere to turn as security forces become a “boys’ clubs that goes easy on men when it comes to ‘family disputes.'” In other words, Turkish security forces don’t enforce justice on men that decide to abuse women.




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