Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Geneva NGO Forum – Beijing + 20

UN ECE Regional Review

Interactive Roundtable on “Women and the Media”

It is long established that the frequent and unrelenting portrayal of women as sexual objects plays a key role in maintaining gender inequality.

The CEDAW Committee (UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) has repeatedly called on governments to take action against the stereotyping of women, arguing that such representations contribute to women’s disadvantaged position in a number of areas including in the labour market and in access to decision-making positions, and affect women’s choices in their studies and professions.

The European Parliament has also voted in favour of several gender equality resolutions, including the adoption of a report which calls on both advertisers to stop using sexist stereotypes and member states to monitor how gender is portrayed in advertising. Sexual objectification has a negative impact on both the aspirations and self-esteem of women and girls and promotes attitudes and behaviours  associated with discrimination and violence against women.

But till now nothing happens. Governments are not working seriously to change culture (with only France as an exception), advertisers continue to use sexist stereotypes and member states are not monitoring anything.


New Report Shows More Women and Girls Have Access to Contraceptives in the World's Poorest Countries

Two years after the London Summit on Family Planning, funding for family planning programmes and the number of women and girls using modern contraception has increased significantly

London - Today, Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) released its second progress report detailing achievements since the landmark 2012 London Summit on Family Planning. The report, Partnership in Progress, shows the initiative is making steady progress toward its goal of enabling an additional 120 million women and girls in the world’s 69 poorest countries with access to voluntary family planning information, services and supplies by 2020.

The report includes the first set of quantitative results on several core indicators designed to track progress toward the FP2020 goal. Notably, in 2013 the number of women and girls using modern contraceptives in FP2020’s 69 focus countries increased by 8.4 million. Expanded access to family planning helped avert 77 million unintended pregnancies, compared to 75 million in 2012; 125,000 maternal deaths, compared to 120,000 in 2012; and 24 million unsafe abortions, compared to 23 million in 2012.


Соопштение за јавност од Мрежата за заштита од дискриминација - 03.11.2014

Нема придобивки за жените од проектот на ФЗОМ

Мрежата за заштита од дискриминација изразува загриженост за најавениот Владин проект за побрза исплата на надоместокот на родилките, дека истиот ќе биде дополнителна пречка за жените да се вработат и да можат да ги остварат правата од работен однос. Имено, со овој проект исплатата на надоместокот за породилно отсуство треба да ја прават работодавците кои потоа треба да бараат од Фондот за здравствено осигурување на Македонија (ФЗОМ) да им ги врати парите.

Во Република Македонија најголем број од невработени жени се на возраст од 25 – 34 години, односно во репродуктивниот период. Разлики помеѓу жените и мажите постојат и во однос на регулираниот работен однос, односно бројот на формално вработени мажи е поголем од бројот на формално вработени жени, а учеството на вработени жени во приватниот сектор е помал во однос на мажите. Како една од причините кои ФЗОМ ја истакнува при најавување на овој проект побрза исплата на надоместокот за породилно отсуство, особено во првите месеци од раѓањето на бебето. Имено, доколку ФЗОМ истакнува дека го исплаќа надоместокот за породилно отсуство со задоцнување од два - три месеца, тогаш зошто работодавачите би верувале дека Фондот навремено нив ќе им го рефундира платениот надоместок? За рефундирање на вака платените средства, работодавачот ќе треба да поднесе и барање за рефундирање што само по себе ќе подразбира обременување на постапката за поврат на средства на работодавачот. Во информацијата испратена до јавноста ФЗОМ потенцира дека со воведувањето на овој проект нема да постои никаква дискриминација за било кој учесник, како и дека овој проект е најпрво во интерес на вработените.


International Child Abduction - The Hague Convention - Litigation Manual

The purpose of the first Manual, issued in 2007, was to provide attorneys with a road map for litigating international child abduction cases. Since the publication of the first Manual, the

United States Supreme Court issued its first opinion concerning the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, and more parties have sought to resolve international abduction matters through alternative methods, including mediation. This updated Manual not only provides a general understanding of the law and its recent developments, but also describes practical considerations to aid attorneys in advocating for their clients. Finally, it raises issues and makes suggestions to ameliorate the potentially negative impact that these proceedings may have on the children involved in such disputes.

As is evident in this Manual, representing a client in an international abduction matter requires a balancing of various considerations.

Litigation International Child Abduction Cases Under the Hague Convention

Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

Извор: WUNRN – 29.10.2014


Increase in child poverty in "rich" countries - Call for social safety nets to protect children

The data and observations in this Innocenti Report Card reveal a strong and multifaceted relationship between the impact of the Great Recession on national economies and a decline in children’s well-being since 2008. Children are suffering most, and will bear the consequences longest, in countries where the recession has hit hardest. For each country, the extent and character of the crisis’s impact on children has been shaped by the depth of the recession, pre-existing economic conditions, the strength of the social safety net and, most importantly, policy responses. Remarkably, amid this unprecedented social crisis, many countries have managed to limit – or even reduce – child poverty. It was by no means inevitable, then, that children would be the most enduring victims of the recession.

Children of the Recession - The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries

Извор: WUNRN – 29.10.2014




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