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African Young Women & Girls Statement - Beijing + 20 - Our Rights, Our Future: A Shared Responsibility

As young men and girls, some of us were not yet born or too young to attend the 1995 conference. We appreciate that even twenty years ago. Africa led the advocacy to include the Girl Child as a critical area of focus. The aspirations you had for Africa`s young women and girls than for education, opportunities, dignity and a bright future, are as valid today as they were at that time.

African Young Women & Girls Statement - Our Rights, Our Future: A Shared Responsibility

Извор: WUNRN – 02.02.2015


UK - Why Homeless Services Are Failing Women

Women do not like being in a minority in mixed hostels as they can feel unsafe in male-dominated environments. Photograph: MIXA /Alamy/Alamy

Homeless services need more consideration for the special problems experienced by women

Women make up 26% of people who accessed homelessness services in 2013, which in real numbers is around 10,000 people. At the sharpest end of homelessness, 786 women were recorded sleeping rough in London last year. There are no figures on the number of women sleeping rough nationally but the overall number of people recorded sleeping rough has risen by 37% since 2010.

The true number is likely to be much higher. Women may be sleeping on a friend's sofa or, worse, trapped in abusive relationships because they have nowhere to go but do not want to become homeless (half of homelessness charity St Mungo's female clients have experienced domestic violence). Homeless women have many complicated, interrelated problems contributing to their homelessness, which are often rooted in trauma due to violence and abuse in childhood and then adulthood.


Светски ден на борба против ракот: 4-ти Февруари 2015 година

Светскиот ден за борба против карциномот оваа година се спроведува под слоганoт “Сите не засега” и има за цел да промовира позитивен и проактивен пристап во борбата против карциномот, притоа потенцирајќи дека карциномот може да се надмине.

Кампањата ќе ги истражи можностите за тоа како можеме да се имплементира она што е веќе познато во областите на превенција, рано откривање, третман и грижа, а со цел да се влијае врз намалувањето на стапката на појава и смртност од карциномите.

Кампањата по повод Светскиот ден за борбата против ракот, укажува дека во борбата против карциномот може многу да се направи на повеќе нивоа – индивидуално ниво, на ниво на заедницата и на владино ниво. Исто кампањата укажува дека можат да се здружат и да се мобилизираат интервенциите од сите нивоа и да се покрене позитивна промена во борбата против карциномот.


The Cost of Inequality in Women's Work - Close the Gap!

Today, hundreds of millions of women will wake up to face yet another day of backbreakingwork for little or no reward. Although their labour – in and outside the home – is vital to the global economy, to sustainable development, and for the wellbeing of society at large, it is undervalued and for the most part invisible. While public outrage grows at the fact that the richest 1% of the world’s population owns almost half the world’s wealth,and even bastions of international finance such as the international Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World economic Forum (WeF) are increasingly talking about the corrosive effect of economic inequality, the human-made injustice of women’s economic inequality remains a pervasive crisis that is largely absent from the political spotlight and inequality debates.it seems obvious that women should enjoy the same rights as men in every aspect of life, and indeed international conventions and national legislation in many (though by no means all) countries grant equal rights to women.

However, realizing these rights remains a distant dream, with women still being economically unequal to men by virtually every measure.

What’s more, while the situation is unfair and unacceptable for women everywhere, it is poor women in developing countries who bear the biggest share of the costs, and are constantly pushed to the bottom of the economic pile.

The Cost of Inequality in Women's Work - Close the Gap!

Извор: WUNRN – 30.01.2015


Where Are We With Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights?

A newly published Special Supplement of the Journal of Adolescent Health takes stock of the progress made with adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, twenty years since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).

Progress has been made in many important areas of public health in the last 20 years since the ICPD. Childhood mortality has been halved, maternal mortality levels are declining steadily but more slowly. The use of modern contraception is rising and more women are obtaining maternal health services. Yet, the situation on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH )is not as encouraging. There has been limited progress in reducing HIV infection, pregnancy, unsafe abortion, child marriage and female genital mutilation.

The aim of the authors in producing this Special Supplement on progress in ASRH policies and programmes in the 20 years since the ICPD is to contribute to answering the question: Why have we – as a global community – made such limited progress on adolescent health? And what needs to be done to move the agenda forward. The authors have worked with government officials, national and international NGOs – including youth leaders in these NGOs, staff from various United Nations agencies, and researchers to take stock of the progress made on ASRH and Rights over the last twenty years. The output of this work is a detailed and objective analysis of what progress has been made in research and in implementation.

Read the commentary online on the publisher's web site

Извор: Светска здравствена организација – 30.01.2015




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