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UK - Why Homeless Services Are Failing Women

Women do not like being in a minority in mixed hostels as they can feel unsafe in male-dominated environments. Photograph: MIXA /Alamy/Alamy

Homeless services need more consideration for the special problems experienced by women

Women make up 26% of people who accessed homelessness services in 2013, which in real numbers is around 10,000 people. At the sharpest end of homelessness, 786 women were recorded sleeping rough in London last year. There are no figures on the number of women sleeping rough nationally but the overall number of people recorded sleeping rough has risen by 37% since 2010.

The true number is likely to be much higher. Women may be sleeping on a friend's sofa or, worse, trapped in abusive relationships because they have nowhere to go but do not want to become homeless (half of homelessness charity St Mungo's female clients have experienced domestic violence). Homeless women have many complicated, interrelated problems contributing to their homelessness, which are often rooted in trauma due to violence and abuse in childhood and then adulthood.

Homeless services are predominantly developed by and for men, because they make up the majority of clients. The women we work with often enter services at a much later stage than men, and when their problems have become more severe and enduring. As it stands, 70% of the women we work with have mental health needs, compared with 57% of male clients. The impact of this is that women are less emotionally or psychologically ready to start tackling some incredibly complicated issues and moving on with their lives.

Why don't current services necessarily work for women? Our research has also found that women do not generally like being in a minority in mixed hostels or housing projects as they can feel unsafe in male-dominated environments, but also that services were not working from them because staff were not trained to help their particular problems, for example, support around self-harm or eating disorders. If women don't see services as right for them, they won't come forward.

Women who have experienced domestic abuse may find it much easier to talk to a woman key worker than a man but many do not have that choice.

Female homeless people are also more than twice as likely as men to have suffered abuse as a child. But staff who work in homelessness services may well feel they lack the training to talk in greater depth around the emotional and psychological needs that a woman resident may have if they've experienced serious childhood abuse or trauma, or not know where to refer women for help.

A further risk is that if a vulnerable women flees domestic abuse and ends up in a mixed hostel where another incident of abuse takes place, this counteracts any positive progress made in their recovery. We need homelessness services staff to be trained and knowledgeable on issues of domestic and sexual violence so they can provide safe spaces and appropriate support.

What will help? Services working with women who are homeless or at risk should incorporate features such as women-only spaces, peer support and staff training on the specific challenges that women often face. Councils should also identify a senior member of staff to lead on women and homelessness, and commissioners should ensure women get a choice between women-only and mixed gender services.

If we don't get the right help to women at the right time, and coordinate preventative support around women's housing, mental health, violence against women and girls, criminal justice and vulnerable children, the risk is that more women will fall through the gap and end up being passed from service to service and feeling like they are failing – when, in actual fact, it is the services that are failing.

More information

Извор: WUNRN – 02.02.2015




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