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Davos World Economic Forum 2015 – Only 17% of Participants Are Women

Catherine Boyle

There are more women at this year's gathering of the global business and politics elite in Davos, after a controversial fall in female delegates in 2014. Last year, the proportion of female attendees dropped for the first time in the meeting's history, to just 15 percent.

In 2015, according to World Economic Forum (WEF) statistics, 17 percent of participants are women, and although this is nowhere near parity, it does mark a move upwards again.

WEF always includes high-profile women like Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg or Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer as co-chairs during the Davos meeting. This year, Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, and Katherine Garrett-Cox, chief executive of Alliance Trust, are also both co-chairs.


Ефекти од Скрининг-програмата за рано откривање на рак на грло на матка во Република Македонија по повод “Неделата за превенција на цервикалниот канцер”, 25-31 јануари 2015 година

Со цел намалување на инциденцата и смртноста на жените од рак на грло на матка во Република Македонија преку превентивни активности на институционално ниво, Владата на Република Македонија секоја година донесува Програма за рана детекција на малигни заболувања во Република Македонија што ја изготвува Министерството за здравство, во која посебен дел претставува Програмата за рано откривање и спречување на ракот на грлото на матката преку која последниве неколку години се спроведуваат неколку активности за превенција на ракот на грло на матка. Активностите за оваа цел ги спроведуваат Министерството за здравство, матичните гинеколози, Институтот за јавно здравје и Центрите за јавно здравје.

Согласно доктринарните ставови целна група за организиран скрининг на рак на грло на матка во Република Македонија се жени на возраст од 24-60 години. Препорачан временски интервал за изведување на организиран скрининг е 3 години. Првата година или 2012 година во Република Македонија беа опфатени жените од 24-35 години, во 2013 година жените од 36-48 години и во 2014 година жените од 49-60 години и жените од 36-48 години кои во 2013 година не направиле Пап тест.


Women Human Rights Defenders - UN NGO Collaborative Statement for More Rights Protection & Support

UN Human Rights Council Geneva - 27th Session - 2014

Statement from the Following Organizations:

Amnesty International, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Association for Progressive Communications, Association for Women’s Rights in Development, Center for Reproductive Rights, Coalition of African Lesbians, International Service for Human Rights, Just Associates, MADRE, Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, Women’s Rehabilitation Center- Nepal, World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)*

ISHR – International Service for Human Rights - makes this statement on behalf of members of the Women Human Rights Defender International Coalition, an international network of women’s rights, human rights and sexual rights organizations. We address this simple fact: in the global North and South alike, women human rights defenders are targeted for murder, kidnapping, torture, rape, and harassment because of who we are and because of the work we do. As the Council strengthens its work on women generally, we note the critical need to integrate analysis and reporting on women human rights defenders who demand protection, respect and fulfillment of all human rights.


The cost of inequality: How wealth and income extremes hurt us all

The world must urgently set goals to tackle extreme inequality and extreme wealth It is now widely accepted that rapidly growing extreme wealth and inequality are harmful to human progress, and that something needs to be done. Already this year, the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report rated inequality as one of the top global risks of 2013. The IMF and the Economist agree. Around the world, the Occupy protests demonstrated the increasing public anger and feeling that inequality has gone too far.

In the last decade, the focus has been exclusively on one half of the inequality equation - ending extreme poverty. Inequality and the extreme wealth that contributes to it were seen as either not relevant, or a prerequisite for the growth that would also help the poorest, as the wealth created trickled down to the benefit of everyone.

The cost of inequality: How wealth and income extremes hurt us all

Извор: WUNRN – 19.01.2015


Study finds increase in women managers, urges greater efforts for workplace equality - ILO

A woman works in a small shop in Ghana. Photo: The World Bank/Arne Hoel

The last 20 years has seen a surge in the number of women employed in senior and middle management positions, according to a new United Nations report, which notes that although all-male company boards are decreasing in number, more must be done to achieve gender parity.

The study, released by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and entitled Women in Business and Management: Gaining Momentum, covers 80 of the 108 countries for which ILO data is available.

It finds that over the past two decades women have attained 20 per cent or more of all board seats in a handful of countries: Norway, which, at 13.3 per cent, boasts the highest global proportion of companies with a woman as company chairperson, is closely followed by Turkey at 11.1 per cent.




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