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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








АНАЛИЗА: Буџетските приходи се намалуваат, економијата расте?

Зошто владините буџетски проекции и лани потфрлија? Дали податоците за буџетските остварувања уште еднаш покажаа дека на хартија се проектира популизам, а економијата испорачува сосема нешто друго? Серија на прашања отворија последните, најнови податоци на Министерството за финансии во однос на остварените приходи, расходи и буџетскиот дефицит во 2014 та година.  Приходите се пониски за 6,1% во однос на проекцијата со ребалансираниот буџет. Според дел од економистите  дефицитот во државната каса повторно надмина 4% од БДП, што е сигнал за опасност за раст на јавниот долг.

Економиситите порачуваат – време е да се кројат реални буџети!

Во година, како ланската, која според Владата е една од економски најуспешните, со испорачани позитивни стапки на економски раст, стопанството и граѓаните, сепак не успеаја да ја наполнат буџетската каса онака како што планираше Владата. Според податоците, лани приходите во буџетот биле пониски за 6,1% во однос на проекцијата во веќе ребалансираниот буџет.

“Факт е дека приходите се проектирани преоптимистички. Податоците за ланскиот буџет покажуваат дека е недостижен планот за да се обезбедат 2,5 милијарди евра на приходната страна, со оглед на тоа што на крајот од годината се собраа 2,37 милијарди евра“, вели универзитетскиот професор Трајко Славески.

Според професорот Славески, време е буџетот да се конципира врз основа на реалните капацитети на економијата, која ја полни државната каса.


Women in Business & Management: Gaining Momentum

This report brings together available data and ILO statistics to provide a comprehensive, up to-date and global picture of women in the business world and in management positions.

As women overtake men in education, they are running a third of the world’s businesses. However, women business owners are concentrated in small and micro-businesses, and still only 5 per cent or less of CEOs of the largest global corporations are women. This report highlights the business case for gender diversity and the obstacles women still face as well as ways to move ahead, underlining the fact that women’s presence in the labour market is increasingly significant for economic growth and development at both enterprise and national levels. It advocates for a greater role for national business organizations, which can assist their member companies with putting in place policies and measures to recruit and retain talent. The report also shows that women still have to deal with a number of hurdles to reach positions as CEOs and company board members. While women have advanced in business and management, they continue to be shut out of higher level economic decision-making despite activism in the last decade to smash the “glass ceiling”. The report calls for a closer examination of the career paths of women and men to ensure that subtle gender biases are eliminated, proposing an array of initiatives that challenge gender stereotypes and corporate cultures, and that seek to reconcile work and family responsibilities.

Women in Business & Management: Gaining Momentum – Global report

Извор: WUNRN – 03.02.2015


Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors - Importance for Women & Girls

A Social Protection Floor for Everyone: A Universal Rights-Based Development Goal

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors promotes the right of all people residing in a country to social security, regardless of documentation. We promote social protection floors as key instruments to achieve the overarching social goal of the global development agenda. Social protection is one of the foundations for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development. It can simultaneously address the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability and preservation of livelihoods.

We believe social protection floors can have a transformative role in contributing to long-term inclusive and sustainable growth while also enhancing resilience against natural and manmade disasters, as well as economic and social crises.

We subscribe to the fundamental goal of social justice upheld in the ILO Constitution and the Declaration of Philadelphia and its essential cornerstones as defined in Articles 22 to 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We believe that as this world becomes significantly richer, no woman, no man and no child need live in social insecurity, poverty and apprehension.

2014 Resolution

Извор: WUNRN -  03.02.2015


Women, Seeds & the Right to Food for All

Women as producers and consumers are central to any food economy. Their empowerment leads to improved child development, better health and nutritional outcomes for households and higher productivity for small-scale food producers, including women. Therefore, women should be at the centre of any food security strategy as it is the most cost-effective measure to reduce hunger and malnutrition for all. Failure to recognise women’s role as food producers results in misguided policies and programmes with higher levels of poverty and food and nutrition insecurity.

Women, Seeds & the Right to Food for All

Извор: WUNRN – 02.02.2015

Education & Training of Women - Infographic

Education women and girls is a driving force against poverty worldwide and is the key to empowered societies and strong economies. When women and girls have equal access to education, they can make more informed decisions within their home and their communities, make healthier choices for themselves and their family, and have increased opportunities towards stable and gainful employment.

Education & Training of Women - Infographic

Извор: WUNRN – 02.02.2015




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