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Unemployment on the Rise over the Next 5 Years as Inequality Persists – Gender

Where will unemployment be the highest over the next five years? 

ILO report says sluggish jobs recovery and social instability are the result of greater inequality.

GENEVA (ILO News) – Unemployment will continue to rise in the coming years, as the global economy has entered a new period combining slower growth, widening inequalities and turbulence, warns a new ILO report. 

By 2019, more than 212 million people will be out of work, up from the current 201 million, according to the World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2015  (WESO).

“More than 61 million jobs have been lost since the start of the global crisis in 2008 and our projections show that unemployment will continue to rise until the end of the decade. This means the jobs crisis is far from over so there is no place for complacency,” ILO Director-General Guy Ryder said.


Attacks Against Girls’ Education Occurring with “Increasing Regularity” – UN Human Rights Report

A gathering to promote the rights of girls and education for all in Barrod village of Rajasthan’s Alwar district -Photo: UN Women/Gaganjit Singh Chandok

A new United Nations human rights report seeking to analyse the problem of attacks against girls trying to access education found that schools in at least 70 different countries were attacked in the five years between 2009 and 2014, with many attacks specifically targeting girls, parents and teachers advocating for gender equality in education.

“Attacks against girls accessing education persist and, alarmingly, appear in some countries to be occurring with increasing regularity,” the background paper notes. “The educational rights of girls and women are often targeted due to the fact that they represent a challenge to existing gender and age-based systems of oppression.”

The background paper, which will be presented to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to contribute to the development of its general recommendation on access to education, and which will also be published in advance of the 2015 High-level Review of Security Council resolution 1325, points to significant progress made towards guaranteeing education for all in many countries, while noting that girls still face barriers to full enjoyment of rights to, within and through education.


Gender & Food Security - Towards Gender-Just Food & Nutrition Security

This report forms part of a BRIDGE Cutting Edge Packon Gender and Food Security, which also includes an In Brief. It is the result of a collaborative programme involving a diverse range of practitioners, researchers, activists and policy advisors working on gender and food security issues in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and Latin America.

An expert Working Group has been engaged from the outset of the programme in shaping the key messages of the report, participating in face-to-face and online discussions, advising on drafts and providing invaluable inputs drawing on their extensive knowledge and experience. Country-specific activities in Malawi and Ethiopia were also conducted as an integral part of the programme.

Gender & Food Security - Towards Gender-Just Food & Nutrition Security

Извор: WUNRN – 08.02.2015


UN Commission on the status of women – Report on ways & means to further enhance the work of CSW

The UN Commission on the Status of Women has a specific history, structure, process, and through ECOSOC, the UN Economic & Social Council. This report, though 17 pages, contains very significant information to help us understand the inner workings and functions of CSW. It also show the intersectionality over time of the CSW Programme of Work  with the Beijing Declaration and Platform for action. You will see that each dimension of CSW is backed by a UN Resolution, and this is the format for actions within the UN System. Indeed, many of us are so busy at CSW running back and forth from government and UN agency events to NGO panels in multiple locations, and going through security checks many times a day.

10. “The Commission on the Status of Women is the unchallenged leader on issues of gender equality and the empowerment of women at the global level. It is a deliberative, consensus building, and policymaking body that has one of the highest profiles of any of the intergovernmental bodies that meet at the United Nations.”

This document also includes Recommendations, and entry points for potential inclusion of civil society as a “stakeholder.” PAGE 11 of the document specifically refers to PARTICIPATION OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS.

Recommendation: “The Commission may wish to consider expanding opportunities for non-governmental organizations to contribute to its work through allocating more time to interventions by non-governmental organizations during the general discussion, according greater priority to their interventions during panel discussions, and granting a limited number of regionally diverse representatives access to negotiations.”




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