Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Gender equality: Аnnual review

Council of Europe calls on member states to step up gender equality efforts: annual review

To meet gender equality standards across its 47 member states, the Council of Europe has just published an annual reviewof its Gender Equality Strategy.

A comprehensive document, the 2014-2017 Gender Equality Strategy has helped member states to narrow the gap betweende jure and de facto gender equality, leading to a greater appreciation of the importance of “mainstreaming” gender into work and activities, according to the annual review.   

One example of success in 2014 includes the entry into force of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). Already a global reference, the Istanbul Convention is referred to as the “golden standard” by UN Women and received the 2014 Future Policy Vision Award.

Promoting Council of Europe standards and sharing good practices were made possible by several key events last year, including a conference on media and the image of women and a conference on combatting gender stereotypes in education. Events focusing on equal access of women to justice facilitated implementation of standards as well, according to the review.


Извор: Совет на Европа – 12.02.2015


Child relocation: recommendations on preventing and resolving disputes

Parental disputes over child relocation have become common in Europe and worldwide in recent decades. There is a high potential for conflict as a result of such disputes, and the need to prevent them or resolve them in a satisfactory way is increasing.

To encourage the prevention and resolution of disputes on child relocation as a means of reducing the incidence of child abduction, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted the Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)5. It is meant to provide guidance to the member States on what can be done  to deter a parent or other holder of parental responsibilities with whom a child resides, from unilaterally relocating with the child, and to avert an unlawful relocation.

The Recommendation addresses procedural issues but also deals with substantive principles; it intends to help avoid potential disputes that may arise when the child’s habitual residence changes and there is a risk that contact with him/her can be lost or significantly disrupted.

These principles can be applied to all types of cases, whether or not they include an international element, it and can also serve as a basis for concluding friendly agreements, without recourse to the competent authority.


Protecting social rights in Europe

Major international conference in Brussels

Policy-makers, social partners and representatives of civil society and academia are among the participants at a two-day international conference on the future of social rights protection in Europe which is taking place in Brussels on 12 and 13 February 2015.

The conference is being co-organised by the Council of Europe and the Belgian authorities as part of Belgium’s on-going chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.

The event represents Belgium’s contribution to theTurin Process”, which was launched at a high-level conference last October.

The process aims to consolidate and enhance the role of the European Social Charter across the continent in order to help fill the gap between civil and political rights, on the one hand, and social and economic rights on the other.

Subjects for discussion at the conference include the future of social rights in Europe, the impact of the financial and economic crisis on social rights and relations between the 47-nation Council of Europe and the 28-member European Union in this area.


World Radio Day 2015 - Women's Empowerment in Radio & Gender Equality

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announces World Radio Day on February 13, 2015. The theme is ‘Youth and Radio’, with the goal of promoting greater participation of youth in radio, not only as listeners, but as producers and broadcasters.

In 2014 World Radio Day had the theme:  “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Radio”.

WUNRN encourages this theme ALL years for women and radio.

More Information


The end of poverty is one voice away – Women uniting & Networking to end the cycle of poverty – Women Thrive Worldwide

Setting women up for economic success

In just about every developing country, unequal property rights, poor working conditions, pay discrimination, limited leadership roles, and a lack of access to credit reduce economic opportunities for women. Women Thrive Worldwide is changing the economic landscape for women entrepreneurs, farmers, market women and so many more by helping women access the resources and skills they need to network and advocate for their rights. We know that when women have the resources to help support their families and leadership skills to stand up for change, there’s no limit to how far their communities can go.

Direct Link to Full 18-Page 2014 Publication

Извор: Women Thrive Worldwide




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