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Gender equality: Аnnual review

Council of Europe calls on member states to step up gender equality efforts: annual review

To meet gender equality standards across its 47 member states, the Council of Europe has just published an annual reviewof its Gender Equality Strategy.

A comprehensive document, the 2014-2017 Gender Equality Strategy has helped member states to narrow the gap betweende jure and de facto gender equality, leading to a greater appreciation of the importance of “mainstreaming” gender into work and activities, according to the annual review.   

One example of success in 2014 includes the entry into force of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). Already a global reference, the Istanbul Convention is referred to as the “golden standard” by UN Women and received the 2014 Future Policy Vision Award.

Promoting Council of Europe standards and sharing good practices were made possible by several key events last year, including a conference on media and the image of women and a conference on combatting gender stereotypes in education. Events focusing on equal access of women to justice facilitated implementation of standards as well, according to the review.


Извор: Совет на Европа – 12.02.2015




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