Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Bullying, Teen Aggression & Social Media - For Girls' Safety

No longer shrugged off as part of growing up, bullying has been widely acknowledged as a problem with serious consequences for victims and perpetrators, schools and families ….

The pressure on educators, parents, mental health professionals, and law enforcement to identify and address antisocial behavior seems to increase every year, especially with the growing role of technology in the everyday lives of young people and the potential for social media to magnify the impact of aggressive behavior. Bullying does great harm to victims, but it also harms bystanders and perpetrators.  Studies show that teens who engage in bullying are more disruptive in school and more likely to engage in vandalism, shoplifting, reckless sexual activity, the use of drugs and alcohol, and more serious illegal activity. These cascading behaviors in turn can entangle school officials and parents in the civil and criminal system in ways that are emotionally and financially draining and unproductive. 

Government policy makers have set goals for a “safe and equitable learning environment for all students,” yet provide little guidance on how best to respond to bullying or what programs are effective.  Communities understand that bullying is wrong but need help dealing with the problem in ways that are reasonable, appropriate, measured, and produce good outcomes.  Bullying, Teen Aggression, and Social Media addresses this urgent need.


Electoral Gender Quotas - A Major Electoral Reform

Gender quotas are numerical targets that stipulate the number or percentage of women that must be included in a candidate list or the number of seats to be allocated to women in a legislature. They aim to reverse discrimination in law and practice and to level the playing field for women and men in politics. Gender quotas, as they mostly regulate political parties’ actions, underscore the notion of political parties as the ‘gatekeepers’ through which citizens pursue opportunities for political leadership (Dahlerup 2006). Therefore quotas play a critical role in providing meaningful and effective opportunities for female party members to access elected public offices. To date, gender quotas have proved to be the single most effective tool for ‘fast-tracking’ women’s representation in elected bodies of government. It is, however, important to note that as an extensive body of research in this field suggests, quotas may have a differential impact in different contexts and in different electoral systems and may take longer than a single electoral cycle to produce the desired impact. Furthermore, electoral gender quotas do not remove all structural, institutional and societal barriers for women in politics, and need to be complemented by other measures designed to level the playing field for women.


UNESCO Internet Study - Keystones to Foster Inclusive Knowledge Societies - GENDER??

The transnational and multi-dimensional nature of Cyberspace and its growing importance presents new frontiers with unparalleled opportunities and challenges for access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy and ethics.

The Internet Study being undertaken by UNESCO is seeking to provide the necessary clarity to support holistic approaches to addressing this broad range of interrelated issues as well as their short and long-term effects.


Bring People Living with a Rare Disease out of the Shadows and into the Spotlight

Following the Rare Disease Day theme Living with a Rare Disease, the 2015 video poignantly recognises the millions of families, friends and carers whose daily lives are impacted by rare diseases.

A big round of applause goes out to the many individuals involved in the creation of the video. Special thanks to video participants RitaPietro and Beatrice who are each living with a rare disease, as well as their family members who accompanied them to the filming of the video. Thanks also to UNIAMOthe Italian national rare disease alliance, for making the video production possible and to director Carlo Hintermann, animators Lulu Cancrini and Marco Varriale and all of their team for their in-kind contribution of the creation and production of the video.


Supporting Grantee Capacity - Strengthening Effectiveness Together

In Supporting Grantee Capacity: Strengthening Effectiveness Together, we look at how funders approach building capacity with grantees. Through examples from foundations ranging in size, mission, and geography, we explore various strategies for capacity building and the types of awareness that funders can choose to incorporate in decision making to facilitate informed, thoughtful judgments about strengthening organizations.

GrantCraft – A Service of Foundation Center

Direct Link to Full 44-Page 2015 Publication

Извор: WUNRN – 27.02.2015



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