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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Nations Need to Ensure Both that Economic Growth Takes Place AND that It Is Broadly Shared - Gender

Report of the Commission on Inclusive Prosperity – Gender

By Lawrence H. Summers & Ed Balls - January 15, 2015


History tells us that societies succeed when the fruits of growth are broadly shared. Indeed, no society has ever succeeded without a large, prospering middle class* that embraced the idea of progress. Today, the ability of free-market democracies to deliver widely shared increases in prosperity is in question as never before. The primary challenge democracies face is neither military nor philosophical. Rather, for the first time since the Great Depression, many industrial democracies are failing to raise living standards and provide opportunities for social mobility to a large share of their people. Some of those countries that have produced economic growth have done so in a manner that has left most of their citizens no better off. This is an economic problem that threatens to become a problem for the political systems of these nations—and for the idea of democracy itself.

The citizens of industrial democracies continue to value their freedom and their opportunity to participate in the task of self-government. But they also count on their political systems to create circumstances in which they can use their talents and their labor to provide a decent standard of life for themselves and their families. When democratic governments and market systems cannot deliver such prosperity to their citizens, the result is political alienation, a loss of social trust, and increasing conflict across the lines of race, class, and ethnicity. Inclusive prosperity nurtures tolerance, harmony, social generosity, optimism, and international cooperation. And these are essential for democracy itself.


Women & Health - A Lifecycle of Health Risks - UN Women

Women & Health - A Lifecycle of Health Risks - UN Women

Direct Link to Infographic

Извор: WUNRN – 07.04.2015

UN HRC adopts resolution on better investment in children’s rights, calling for access to sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sexuality education

The Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) welcomes the adoption by the UN Human Rights Council (the Council or the HRC) on 27 March 2015 of its annual resolution on the rights of the child, entitled ‘Towards better investment in the rights of the child’. By means of this resolution, the Council calls upon governments to ensure access of all people, including children, without discrimination, to a range of health services, including sexual and reproductive health care services (paragraph 28). It further calls upon States to provide comprehensive evidence-based education on human sexuality in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child (paragraph 30). Both of these provisions are within the context of calling upon governments to employ laws, policies, regulations and budget allocations to enable access to social services (paragraph 25).


Предлог-закон за изменување на Законот за социјалната заштита

На 27-та седница на Комисијата за Труд и социјална политика на Собранието на Република Македонија, закажана на 07.04.2015 година, во 11:00 часот ќе бидат разгледани следната точка:

- Предлог-закон за изменување на Законот за социјалната заштита - I читање;

Целосен текст на материјалот

Извор: Собрание на РМ – 07.04.2015


Millions of Aid Dollars Lost in Currency Fluctuations - Gender Impacts

By Joe Dyke and Jean Milligan

BEIRUT/GENEVA, 26 March 2015 (IRIN) - Currency fluctuations this year could cost relief agencies hundreds of millions of dollars in lost income, threatening aid to millions of people around the world. 

A drop in the value of the euro against the dollar and a spike in the Swiss franc have contributed to shortfalls in funding for the World Food Programme, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), among others.

At a time when UNHCR is already struggling with insufficient funding amid an increasing number of global crises, it now has to cut up to $190 million from its global 2015 budget, the agency told IRIN. 

"The shortfall [in funding] is larger than what we expected, and that affects both priority activities already planned, and potentially new emergencies that may arise," spokesperson Ariane Rummery said.




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