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Caesarean sections should only be performed when medically necessary


10 APRIL 2015 | GENEVA - Caesarean section is one of the most common surgeries in the world, with rates continuing to rise, particularly in high- and middle-income countries. Although it can save lives, caesarean section is often performed without medical need, putting women and their babies at-risk of short- and long-term health problems. A new statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) underscores the importance of focusing on the needs of the patient, on a case by case basis, and discourages the practice of aiming for “target rates”.

Caesarean section may be necessary when vaginal delivery might pose a risk to the mother or baby – for example due to prolonged labour, foetal distress, or because the baby is presenting in an abnormal position. However, caesarean sections can cause significant complications, disability or death, particularly in settings that lack the facilities to conduct safe surgeries or treat potential complications.


Accountability for the Post-2015 Agenda - Proposal for a Robust Global Review Mechanism - Gender

Amnesty International, the Center for Economic & Social Rights, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and Human Rights Watch have developed a Proposal for Post-2015 Monitoring and Accountability at the global level. In particular, we suggest a participatory peer review mechanism (drawing inspiration from the UPR) under the High-Level Political Forum.

High Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development - HLPF

It is our view that robust and participatory monitoring and accountability mechanisms are essential if the post-2015 agenda is to be truly transformative and fit-for-purpose as a vehicle to improve human rights enjoyment worldwide. The right accountability architecture could improve the credibility, ownership and effectiveness of the agenda for people and for states, and make the entire process of sustainable development more transformative and responsive to peoples’ needs. In order to do so, it must ensure accountability for the 'global partnership', for the private sector, and for rich countries' impact on sustainable development beyond their borders.

We hope this proposal will push Member States to see the value and importance of a strong global review mechanism, and seize the chance to recognize revitalized accountability relationships as a core element of the post-2015 agenda, not just an optional or onerous add-on.

Full document


I'm a Roma Woman Video - End Discrimination; Build Roma Leadership, Dignity, Pride - Gender

 “Education is key to opening up greater opportunity for equal participation of Roma and Sinti youth in social, political, economic and cultural life. Empowering Roma and Sinti youth and preventing their marginalization can play a huge part in making greater opportunities and participation a reality not only for them, but also for the communities they will someday lead,” Dačić said, while calling on participating States to take active measures to support this……

Link to video

OSCE on International Roma Day – April 8

More Info


Millions of Dollars for Climate Financing, but Very Little Designated for Women

Oxfam research found that in Sri Lanka, where over 33,000 people died or went missing during the 2004 Asian tsunami, two-thirds were women. Credit: Amantha Perera/IPS

By Amantha Perera

BALI, Indonesia, Apr 2 2015 (IPS)- The statistics tell the story: in some parts of the world, four times as many women as men die during floods; in some instances women are 14 times more likely to die during natural disasters than men.

A study by Oxfam in 2006 found that four times as many women as men perished in the deadly 2004 Asian tsunami. In Sri Lanka, where over 33,000 died or went missing, two thirds were women, Oxfam research found.

According to a World Bank assessment, two-thirds of the close to 150,000 people killed in Myanmar in 2008 due to Cyclone Nargis were women.

The aftermath of environmental disasters, too, is particularly hard on women as they struggle to deal with sanitation, privacy and childcare concerns. Women displaced by climate-related events are also more vulnerable to violence and abuse – a fact that was documented by Plan International during the 2010 drought in Ethiopia when women and girls walking long hours in search of water were subject to sexual attacks.


A Bright Future for Roma

Today, on International Roma Day, the potential for the Roma people to achieve remarkable gains has never been greater.

The question is: how can Roma seize this moment and take charge of their destiny?

Mensur Haliti, senior program manager at the Open Society Roma Initiatives Office, believes developing Roma leadership for the future is key.

Извор: Фондација Отворено Општество – 08.04.2015





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