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Месечен извештај за извршување на Буџетот на РМ, јануари 2015 година

Министерството за финансии го објави месечниот извештај за извршување на Буџетот на РМ за јануари 2015 година. Според објавениот извештај во јануари државата прибрала 10.527 милиони денари на име јавни приходи, од кои 6.043 милиони денари се остварени во облик на даноци. Најмногу приходи, во месец јануари, државата остварила преку наплата на данок на додадена вредност и тоа 3.074 милиони денари или половина од вкупните даночни приходи. Во текот на истиот период потрошени се 12.730 милиони денари и остварен е дефицит во износ од 2.203 милиони денари, кој всушност претставува 12% од вкупно планираниот дефицит за 2015 година. Најмногу средства се потрошени за трансфери и тоа 8.204 милиони денари од кој 6.481 се социјални трансфери.

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Собраниска делегација на конференција во Тирана

Делегација на Собранието на Република Македонија, на 21 и 22 февруари 2015 година, учествуваше на Конференција на Мрежата на Парламентарните комисии за финансирање и буџет, економски прашања и европски прашања на земјите од Западен Балкан, на тема „Улогата на Парламентите во буџетскиот и финансискиот надзор’’, која се одржа во Тирана, Република Албанија, во организација на Вестминстер фондацијата за демократија. 

Делегацијата беше во состав: г-ѓа Владанка Авировиќ, заменик на претседателот на Комисијата за економски прашања и г-ѓа Нора Алити, заменик на претседателот на Комисијата за европски прашања, членови на Бордот на Мрежата и пратениците г. Ѓорѓи Коџабашиев, член на Комисијата за финансирање и буџет; г-ца Каљтрина Азизи, член на Комисијата за финансирање и буџет и  г. Драган Цуклев, член на Комисијата за економски прашања на Собранието на Република Македонија.

Во текот на Конференцијата, се водеше панел дискусија за буџетските процеси во земјите од Западен Балкан, улогата на Парламентите во планирањето и усвојувањето на буџетот и следење на неговото извршување.


UNESCO Launches Women Make the News 2015

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, 8 March, UNESCO joins forces with the Global Alliance on Media and Gender to launch the Women Make the News 2015 under the theme, “Yes We Must! Reaching Gender Equality in the Media by 2030”.

This year’s theme is an echo of Women Make the News 2014, Advancing Global Partnerships to Achieving Gender Equality in and through Media. UNESCO and its partners are determined to keep up the momentum started by the pioneering Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) and to highlight gender and media in the Beijing+20 Review process.

We are inviting editors-in-chief of newspapers, radio, television on and offline to join UNESCO’s initiative, and to produce special supplements/programme on these topics and/or to entrust women journalists and reporters with editorial responsibility for the newsroom for a limited period over the duration of the WMN initiative, from 1 March to 5 May, encompassing the International Women’s Day (8 March) and the World Press Freedom Day (3 May).

The WMN 2015 advocacy efforts will also continue to push for change and will include the following features:

1. Promote an increase in female sources interviewed in the news to at least 30%;

2. Invite international development organizations as well as private corporations to pledge to be a part of a donor framework to support the activities of GAMAG;

3. Strengthen cooperation with our media partners and their role in GAMAG;

4. Shine the spotlight on the necessity of partnerships to achieve the objectives of the Media and Gender critical area of concern of the Beijing Declaration;


Rising Attacks and Cultural Obstacles Denying Education for Girls

By Barbara Crossette on Feb 13, 2015  - A new United Nations human-rights paper zeroes in on the huge barriers girls face in getting an education. Here, students in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, who have benefited from a British government program providing monthly stipends of about $1 and textbooks to keep the girls in school. VICKI FRANCIS/DFID

In the few months remaining before a new set of development goals are set to be adopted in the United Nations to replace the Millennium Development Goals, specialists in many fields will be drilling down into why some of those MDGs have fallen short — sometimes far short — of their aspirations, especially in the lives of women and girls. The Sustainable Development Goals that will replace the current goals have already been greeted with skepticism by numerous governments and many experts, who say that 17 unwieldy goals with 169 targets by which to measure them — compared with the eight succinct MDGs — is a recipe for more failure.

This is not to say that there have not been some specific successes, in primary education with parity for girls, for example, and some overarching transformations since 2000, when the MDGs were adopted. Those goals, taken seriously in many developing countries, prove that concerted action on global challenges is possible, as Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said.

Furthermore, scrutiny of the lagging goals has often led to open discussion of an issue that has been taboo for years, if not decades: the obstructions to progress, especially in areas of human rights, that some cultural attitudes pose.


Committee on economic, social and cultural rights opens fifty-fourth session

The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights this morning opened its fifty-fourth session at the Palais Wilson in Geneva, hearing from Simon Walker, Chief of the Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Section, Human Rights Treaties Division of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Committee also elected a new Bureau, including Waleed Sadi (Jordan) as the new Chairperson, adopted its agenda for the session, and heard from stakeholders on the situation in Paraguay, whose report will be considered this afternoon. 

In his opening statement, Mr. Walker welcomed the ratification by South Africa of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in January, thus bringing the number of ratifications to 163.  This year would see the full implementation of General Assembly resolution 62/268, and Mr. Walker encouraged the Committee to continue considering ways to harmonize its working methods.  The United Nations General Assembly would adopt in September the Sustainable Development Goals and it was encouraging that the draft version of the goals included references to not only economic, social and cultural rights but also political and civil rights, which was a significant step towards a balanced and transformative agenda that addressed freedom from fear as well as freedom from want.  Mr. Walker called attention to the recent report by the Secretary-General to the Human Rights Council on social protection floors, which outlined their main characteristics and how they contributed to ensuring the enjoyment of minimum essential levels of economic, social and cultural rights, and reducing poverty and inequality.

At the beginning of the meeting, the following members of the Committee made their solemn oath: Shiqiu Chen (China), Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes (Colombia) and Olivier de Schutter (Belgium).




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