Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Bring People Living with a Rare Disease out of the Shadows and into the Spotlight

Following the Rare Disease Day theme Living with a Rare Disease, the 2015 video poignantly recognises the millions of families, friends and carers whose daily lives are impacted by rare diseases.

A big round of applause goes out to the many individuals involved in the creation of the video. Special thanks to video participants RitaPietro and Beatrice who are each living with a rare disease, as well as their family members who accompanied them to the filming of the video. Thanks also to UNIAMOthe Italian national rare disease alliance, for making the video production possible and to director Carlo Hintermann, animators Lulu Cancrini and Marco Varriale and all of their team for their in-kind contribution of the creation and production of the video.

The cooperation between all those involved in this year's video is symbolic of the unity and solidarity that families, professionals, policy makers, researchers and industry are demonstrating by living day-by-day, hand-in-hand with rare disease patients. Get involved today!

Be a part of the Rare Disease Day momentum – share the Rare Disease Day 2015 video and show the world how to live in solidarity day-by-day, hand-in-hand.


Извор: EURORDIS – 27.02.2015



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