Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








2015 Human Development Report: Work for Human Development - UNDP - Women

Chapter 4: Imbalances in Paid and Unpaid Work

In 2015 the global labour force participation rate was 50 percent for women but 77 percent for men. Worldwide in 2015, 72 percent of working-age men were employed, compared with only 47 percent of women. Female participation in the labour force and employment rates are heavily affected by economic, social and cultural issues and care work distributions at home.


Why Don't World Bank Projects Safeguard Women's Rights?

A Gender Action Study found life for women was worse, not better, after World Bank pipeline projects. A robust gender policy is vital!

Women return from fishing in Buguma, in the Niger delta. Photograph: George Osodi/AP

By Elaine Zuckerman, President of Gender Action – 23 February 2016

The fisherwomen of the Niger delta are legendary across west Africa. Fishery has been a female domain for generations, with women making a key contribution to family and community livelihoods.

But in recent years, their livelihoods have been undermined. Oil and gas pipelines have destroyed the delta’s fishing grounds and family incomes.


EU - Gender Aspects of Migration & Asylum in the EU

Against a background of huge worldwide displacement, the EU is currently facing a surge in the number of people arriving in search of international protection. One aspect of this massive movement of people that is beginning to come under the spotlight is its gender dimension. Men and women are exposed to different types of risk and vulnerability during the different stages of migration. Due to their status in society and their sex, women and girls are particularly subject to discrimination and sexual and gender-based violence – which may of themselves be  rounds for flight – and have specific protection risks and needs that may be overlooked in reception procedures. In addition, failure to take due account of gender issues in asylum systems and integration measures may lead to discriminatory outcomes. Other factors, including age and sexual orientation, also affect vulnerability and needs.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

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