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The Roma Feminist Paradox

Here’s a tough one: when the public sees domestic violence as inherent in “Roma culture,” how can Roma groups fight it without reinforcing unfair ethnic stereotypes? 

Roma feminist organizations grapple with conundrums like this every day. 

When you’re a member of a group that people already harbor biases against, navigating issues that risk confirming those biases can be tricky work. 

Learn about how one Roma organization is learning to do this. 

Извор: Фондација Отворено Општество – 17.03.2016


Gender Statistics - Moving Forward but Major Gaps Continue

Availability of data for gender analysis has increased

Relevant, reliable and timely gender statistics—cutting across traditional fields of statistics, including education, health and employment as well as emerging ones, such as climate change— are essential to understanding the differences between women and men in a given society. Such information is critical to policy- and decision-makers and to advancing progress towards gender equality.

The World’s Women 2015 has benefited from the growing availability of gender statistics. Because more countries are conducting household surveys, in addition to regular population censuses, the majority of them can produce at present data disaggregated by sex for basic indicators on population, families, health, education and work. Many more surveys are presently available on critical areas such as violence against women: 89 countries collected data on this topic through household surveys during the period 2005–2014 compared to only 44 in the previous decade. Furthermore, gender statistics based on administrative records are becoming more widely available. For instance, statistics on women’s representation in lower or single houses of parliament are available for 190 countries in 2015, an increase from 167 countries in 1997.


Woman UN Secretary-General ? 3 Strong Women Candidates with Government Nominations

Credit: UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with Irina Bokova, director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

By: Alana Chloe Esposito

March 15, 2016 - (WOMENSENEWS)—Along one wall in the visitor's lobby of the United Nations hang the portraits of eight men, including Ban Ki-moon, the current secretary-general, who have presided over the institution since it was founded in 1945.

A new portrait is due to appear on that wall soon and there is a pretty good chance it will bear the visage of a woman.

Three out the seven officially declared candidates for the next secretary-general are women (more candidates may be nominated over the coming weeks). And while it is not the first time a woman has been in the running for the job, it is the first time that one, let alone three, has a viable chance of getting it.


EU - Gender Mainstreaming as a Policy Approach - Analysis

“When the European Union endorsed 'gender mainstreaming' as its official policy approach to gender equality, it was seen as a potentially revolutionary means of accelerating progress and achieving real equality between the sexes. Twenty years on, there are concerns about fragmented implementation across policy areas and institutions at EU and national levels, and a possible downgrading of its status.”

EU - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2016/579075/EPRS_ATA(2016)579075_EN.pdf


UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Report 2016 – Torture of Women & Girls +

In this Report, the Special Rapporteur assesses the applicability of the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in international law to the unique experiences of women, girls, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons.

Punishment: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Torture/SRTorture/Pages/SRTortureIndex.aspx

Direct Link to Full SR 23-Page 2016 Report:  http://daccess-ods.un.org/access.nsf/Get?Open&DS=A/HRC/31/57&Lang=E

Извор: WUNRN – 13.03.2016




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