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Women & Hunger - 70% of the World's Hungry Are Women: UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food - Report

GENEVA (8 March 2016) – “Women account for 70 per cent of the world's hungry, and are disproportionately affected by malnutrition, yet they are responsible for more than half of global food production,” said the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Hilal Elver.  

“Faced with discrimination on multiple levels, women’s right to access food is affected at all stages of life. Indeed women in many countries receive less food than their male partners, as a result of their lower social status,” said Ms. Elver launching her latest report* to the UN Human Rights Council. “Social segregation based on gender, when combined with other forms of discrimination grounded on religion, race, ethnicity, class and caste, disadvantage women even further,” added the expert.

“Despite their critical contribution to world food and agricultural production, women face difficulties in maintaining household incomes due to increased competition with imported agricultural goods, reduced prices, and declining commodity prices in international market, as well as in engaging in market activities when cultural norms make it socially unacceptable for them to interact with men. Migrant women workers with precarious immigration status and indigenous women are particularly vulnerable,” said the Special Rapporteur.


Albinism - Girls & Women - Discrimination & Abuse - UN Independent Expert Report - Girl's Testimonial Video +

”Witchcraft” Beliefs Trigger Attacks Against People with Albinism, UN Independent Expert Warns

22 March 2016 – People with albinism are being hunted for witchcraft rituals, their body parts hacked off with machetes, and even having their graves desecrated, a United Nations expert warned today in her first report to the UN Human Rights Council.

“Dangerous myths feed these attacks on innocent people: many erroneously believe people with albinism are not human beings, but are ghosts or subhuman and cannot die but only disappear,” said Ikponwosa Ero, the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism. “Tragically many believe the condition is a curse.”


Drinking Water & Sanitation - Progress Report - 2015 Update & MDG Assessment - Gender

Progress on Sanitation & Drinking Water: 2015 Update & MDG Assessment - Gender

Looking back on 25 years of water, sanitation and hygiene monitoring, this report provides a comprehensive assessment of progress since 1990.  The Millennium Development Goal target for drinking water was achieved in 2010, but, in 2015, 663 million people still lack improved drinking water sources. The world has missed the sanitation target by almost 700 million people, with 2.4 billion still lacking improved sanitation facilities and 946 million practicing open defecation.

Access the latest data on water & sanitation and an interactive data visualization.


Shaping Ageing Cities - How 10 European Cities Are Responding to Ageing - EU Ageing Women

We are living in the urban and ageing era. In 2050, for the first time in human history, the number of older people will be greater than the number of children under 15 years old. As cities across the globe continue to grow, more people are growing old in housing, streets, communities that often are failing to respond appropriately to ageing populations with specific policies.

Direct Link to Full 102-Page 2015 Report:


Извор: WUNRN - 25.03.2016




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