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Drinking Water & Sanitation - Progress Report - 2015 Update & MDG Assessment - Gender

Progress on Sanitation & Drinking Water: 2015 Update & MDG Assessment - Gender

Looking back on 25 years of water, sanitation and hygiene monitoring, this report provides a comprehensive assessment of progress since 1990.  The Millennium Development Goal target for drinking water was achieved in 2010, but, in 2015, 663 million people still lack improved drinking water sources. The world has missed the sanitation target by almost 700 million people, with 2.4 billion still lacking improved sanitation facilities and 946 million practicing open defecation.

Access the latest data on water & sanitation and an interactive data visualization.


Direct Link to Full 90-Page 2015 Publication:


Извор: WUNRN - 23.03.2016




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