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Helping Domestic Violence Survivors Recover from Economic Abuse



By the USA National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (March 2016)

In many cases of domestic violence, financial abuse is one of many tactics used by an abusive partner to exert power and control in the relationship. It might include controlling how money is spent, withholding money or giving an allowance, not allowing a partner to work or earn money, stealing their partner’s identity or credit, ruining their partner’s credit, depleting available assets, and more.

Financial abuse can have an immediate impact on a survivor’s life – further isolating her, undermining her autonomy – and can also have long-term and far-reaching consequences, often trapping a survivor in poverty and interfering with her future economic stability.

As advocates, we know that poverty increases risk and vulnerability for those living in it; and it is therefore critical that we have at least a foundational understanding of how money and finances work. For example, a low credit score equals increased risk to a potential lender and consequently, higher interest rates and costs to the borrower. This means that survivors often pay more because of bad credit, despite being among the least able to afford that. In addition, the world of credit has drastically and rapidly changed over the years, both in terms of access and use. Understanding and devoting resources to credit building and repair is critical to survivor’s long-term security.


On International Roma Day, a Call for Courage and Clarity

April 7, 2016   by Zeljko Jovanovic

On International Roma Day, a Call for Courage and Clarity

Forty-five years ago, the first World Romani Congress called for Roma self-determination and international unity, paving the way for a claim to a nonstate Roma nation. That claim was officially made at the fifth Romani World Congress in 2001. But it was largely ignored by policymakers, and in the ensuing years, ambitions for a Roma nation faded.

Fear and confusion about what a Roma nation would mean contributed to the idea’s demise. There has been fear that loyalty to Roma of other countries could conflict with loyalty to one’s own nation-state, and that a call for a Roma nation could be seen as a territorial claim leading to exodus and bloodshed. Likewise, there has been confusion that a claim for a Roma nation calls into question our existing citizenship or national minority status.


World Health Day 2016: WHO calls for global action to halt rise in and improve care for people with diabetes

First WHO Global report on diabetes: 422 million adults live with diabetes, mainly in developing countries

News release

6 APRIL, 2016 | GENEVA - The number of people living with diabetes has almost quadrupled since 1980 to 422 million adults, with most living in developing countries. Factors driving this dramatic rise include overweight and obesity, WHO announced ahead of World Health Day.

WHO is marking its annual World Health Day (7 April), which celebrates the Organization’s founding in 1948, by issuing a call for action on diabetes. In its first “Global report on diabetes”, WHO highlights the need to step up prevention and treatment of the disease.


The Next Step for Roma

Today, on International Roma Day, we celebrate the ideals of self-determination and international unity declared by the first World Romani Congress 45 years ago. 

In the decades since then, Roma have displayed many instances of this unity. 

Now Roma need to do so on an even larger scale. 

As we acknowledge the progress Roma have made, we must also discuss the next political goals with courage and clarity. 

Read about how Roma take the next step. 

Извор: Фондации Отворено Општество  - 08.04.2016




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