Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues Report to the UN Human Rights Council 2016 - Women & Girls

V. Situation of Caste-Affected Women and Girls

95. Caste is one of the factors that result in multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against certain groups of women.93 Women and girls from low castes are particularly vulnerable to violation and denial of their rights in both public and private life.

96. They are often the victims of caste-based violence, particularly sexual violence.94 A study95 identified 12 major forms of violence against Dalit women: nine in the community (physical assault, verbal abuse, sexual harassment and assault, rape, sexual exploitation, forced prostitution, kidnapping or abduction, forced incarceration and medical negligence), and three within the family (female feticide and infanticide, child sexual abuse and domestic violence).

97. Available data indicate that caste-based violence against women and girls, in particular sexual violence, may be increasing. Violence and the threat of violence are frequently hidden and go unreported in villages and rural areas, forming a culture of invisibility, silence and impunity which, in many instances, places the burden of shame on victims instead of perpetrators.


CEDAW Committee Statement on the Refugee Crisis & The Protection of Women & Girls

Statement of the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on the Refugee Crises & the Protection of Women & Girls

Adopted on 20 November 2015 during its Sixty Second Session

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (the Committee) continues to follow with great concern the unfolding crisis and developments involving asylum seekers and refugees fleeing armed conflicts, and how these conflicts disproportionately impact women and girls. Recalling its General Recommendation No. 32 (2014) on gender-related dimensions of refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women, the Committee reiterates its position that women and girls can be especially vulnerable to abuse during mass displacement situations as experienced presently with the largest numbers of asylum seekers since the Second World War.


World Immunization Week 2016: Close the immunization gap

Immunization game-changers should be the norm worldwide

News release

21 APRIL 2016 | GENEVA - During World Immunization Week 2016, held 24-30 April, WHO highlights recent gains in immunization coverage, and outlines further steps countries can take to “Close the Immunization Gap” and meet global vaccination targets by 2020.

“Last year immunization led to some notable wins in the fight against polio, rubella and maternal and neonatal tetanus,” says Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. “But they were isolated wins. Polio was eliminated in 1 country, tetanus in 3, and rubella in 1 geographical region. The challenge now is to make gains like this the norm.”

Immunization averts 2 to 3 million deaths annually; however, an additional 1.5 million deaths could be avoided if global vaccination coverage improves. Today, an estimated 18.7 million infants – nearly 1 in 5 children – worldwide are still missing routine immunizations for preventable diseases, such as diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus.




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