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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Civil Society Guide to National Social Protection Floors - Women

These are challenging times. We have not only been witnessing economic and financial crises since 2008, but also a deep crisis of social justice. Levels of inequality are rising to such an extent both in advanced and in developing countries that we expect that by 2016 the richest one percent of the world’s population will possess more wealth than the other 99%. Since the economic crisis erupted in 2008, more people have been falling under poverty because of slow or inadequate policy responses. Young people today are faced with a more uncertain future than the generation of their parents. No society can afford to ignore this human crisis. An important element of the policy responses required for combating poverty, inequality and economic downturns are social protection measures. Social protection is one of the foundations for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development and it enables people to fully enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms. Well-designed social protection systems ensure decent work and raise living standards, as a result, they support domestic consumption and increase productivity.


World Bank Group Gender Strategy: Gender Equality, Poverty Reduction & Inclusive Growth

By many measures, 2015 marks a watershed year in the international community’s efforts to advance gender equality. In September, with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Member States committed to a renewed and more ambitious framework for development. This agenda, with a deadline of 2030, emphasizes inclusion not just as an end in and of itself but as critical to development effectiveness. At the center of this agenda is the achievement of gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls (SDG 5). In addition to governments, the private sector is increasingly committed to reducing gaps between men and women not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it makes business sense. Gender equality is also central to the World Bank Group’s own goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. No society can develop sustainably without transforming the distribution of opportunities, resources and choices for males and females so that they have equal power to shape their own lives and contribute to their families, communities, and countries. Promoting gender equality is smart development policy.


Download from Website or from This Link: World Bank Group – Gender Equality, Poverty Redaction and Inclusive Growth

Извор: WUNRN – 27.04.2016


Feed the Green: Feminist Voices for the Earth - Film

A film by Jane Caputi, Produced by Susan Rosenkranz

US, 2015, 37 minutes, Color, DVD

FEED THE GREEN: FEMINIST VOICES FOR THE EARTH challenges the cultural imagination surrounding the destruction of the environment and its impact on femicide and genocide. This informative documentary, by Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies professor and scholar Jane Caputi, highlights an active global resistance movement and an alternative imagery communicating resistant green consciousness.

FEED THE GREEN features a variety of feminist thinkers, including ecological and social justice advocates Vandana Shiva, Starhawk and Andrea Smith, ecosexual activists Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens; ecofeminist theorist and disability rights activist Ynestra King, poet Camille Dungy, scholars and bloggers Janell Hobson and Jill Schneiderman and grass roots activist La Loba Loca. Their voices are powerfully juxtaposed with images from popular culture, including advertising, myth, art, and the news, pointing to the ways that an environmentally destructive worldview is embedded in popular discourses, both contemporary and historical.


EU - Report on the Progress of Women on the Boards of Major European Companies

Brussels, 27 April 2016 – European Women on Boards ( EWoB) has today published a major new report which examines the progress that women are making on the Boards of the 600 largest European-listed companies.

This comprehensive new study, undertaken in association with ISS, examines how gender diversity in European boardrooms has evolved over the last five years. Across Europe as a whole, it finds evidence of improvement in some areas, and challenges in others.

“Greater gender balance on Boards leads to more successful companies”

EWoB is delighted to announce the publication of ‘Realizing Europe’s Potential: Progress and Challenges’. This timely study highlights trends occurring at the company, country, and sector levels in respect of the involvement of women in European boardrooms.


ABC for a Gender Sensitive Constitution - Handbook for Engendering Constitution-Making

The ABC for a Gender Sensitive Constitution aims to provide a feminist perspective on democratic constitution making in a systematic and accessible way. It answers the questions of how and why a constitution that is inclusive of women’s rights and gender equality is needed. What are the entry points? How to debate them? The handbook combines academic research and constitutional expertise with a feminist theoretic approach, substantiated by the experiences of the women’s rights activists in the Euro-Med Region and examples from different constitutions and processes across the world. 

This ABC does not only support future constitution building in transitional political processes and post-conflict situations, but it also strives to inspire a critical review of existing constitutions, many of which still lack a genuine commitment to women’s rights and gender equality. It endeavors to become a tool and a reference for constitution drafters, lawyers, practitioners, students, as well as human rights activists in order to reach also grassroots and local communities. One of its major purposes is to bring insights, raise awareness, and stimulate debate on the future of countries seeking to transition to democracy or to boost their democratic commitments by strengthening their constitutional commitment to gender equality and women’s rights.




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