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Screening Tool ASIST-GBV for Responding to Gender-Based Violence Among Women in Humanitarian Settings


Also Via SVRI – Sexual Violence Research Initiative

Follow Link Above for Extensive Additional Details & References.

“Conflict affected refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) are at increased vulnerability to gender-based violence (GBV). Health, psychosocial, and protection services have been implemented in humanitarian settings, but GBV remains under-reported and available services under-utilized. To improve access to existing GBV services and facilitate reporting, the ASIST-GBV screening tool was developed and tested for use in humanitarian settings.”

Comprehensive Development & Testing of the ASIST-GBV, a Screening Tool for Responding to Gender-Based Violence Among Women in Humanitarian Settings


Women Protesting Around the World - Photo Collection - Present & Past

Emma Gray Executive Women’s Editor, The Huffington Post - Damon Dahlen Staff Photographer/Photo Editor, The Huffington Post

March 3, 2016 - We live in a world where women are still underrepresented in electoral politics, which means we have to fight twice as hard for our voices to be heard. According to U.N. Women, just 22 percent of parliamentarians around the world are women. As of this past August, 21 women served as the Head of State or Head of Government of their respective countries, and as of January 2015, just 17 percent of government ministers were women. However, when it comes to grassroots political movements, women are there, making sure they are seen and heard. From American women gathering in Washington, DC to protest police brutality to Pakistani women flooding the streets to speak out against oppressive security crackdowns, these women are a force to be reckoned with. In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we’ve rounded up gorgeous, emotional and powerful photos of women organizing and protesting all over the world from the last 25 years.

Some images of Women Protesting are below. WUNRN will show more periodically. The above link will take you to the series of photos on this important theme of Women Protesting Around the World.


Saving Lives & Staying Alive - Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders - Humanitarian Security in the Age of Risk Management - Gender

Direct Link to Full 2015 MSF-Medecins Sans Frontieres Publication:



When MSF nurse Chantal Kaghoma regained her freedom in August 2014 after being held hostage for thirteen months by rebel group ADF (Allied Defence Forces) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, she said, “While I was in prison with all the other hostages, I had lost all faith in everyone. Deep down, I no longer believed in MSF. I thought to myself, ‘Well, it’s all over now; this is the end.’” Then she added, “But, even though I no longer believed in MSF, I found myself coming to its defence.” Three of our colleagues are still being held by the ADF and the organisation continues its efforts to track down their location and secure their release. A specially dedicated team has been working tirelessly for more than two years with the firm conviction that a positive outcome is possible.


Violence Against Women Journalists Threatens Media Freedom

A journalist from Radio Bundelkhand in India conducts an interview. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

By Tharanga Yakupitiyage

NEW YORK, Apr 28 2016 (IPS) - For women journalists, violence and intimidation don’t just happen in conflict zones, they are every day experiences.

“You don’t even have to be in a conflict zone to be violated anymore,” New York Times reporter and author of the Taliban Shuffle Kim Barker said Wednesday at the launch of a new book documenting the daily violence and harassment which women journalists experience.

After writing an opinion-editorial on her experience of sexual harassment in the field, Barker said that an online commenter called her “fat” and “unattractive” and told her that “nobody would want to rape you.”

The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) chose to focus its 2016 edition of the Attacks on the Press book series on the gender-based online harassment, sexual violence and physical assault experienced by women journalists, because of the impact of this violence on press freedom.




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