Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Migrants and refugees: report on Greece and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”

Refugee camp in Idomeni, Greece

Action needed to improve living conditions for and to protect unaccompanied children

Special representative on migration and refugees Strasbourg 11 May 2016

A new report addressing the situation of refugees and migrants in Greece and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” was published today by Tomáš Boček, the Special Representative on Migration and Refugees of the Council of Europe’s Secretary General. The report is based on his fact-finding mission to the two countries from 7 to 11 March.

The Special Representative visited a shelter for unaccompanied children in Athens, a “hotspot” and reception centre on the island of Chios and camps in both countries. Some of the camps were seriously overcrowded following the build-up of refugees and migrants as a result of the closure of the western Balkan route, which occurred shortly before his visit. In these camps, living conditions were extreme and only basic needs were being catered for. The report calls for the Council of Europe to mobilise resources to enable the necessary additional capacity to be built to house migrants and refugees in decent living conditions in both countries. (more...)

Извор: Совет на Европа – 11.05.2016


Rights of LGBTI people: preventing emergence of parallel societies

Without smart policies to foster equality and promote mutual understanding and respect in Europe, parallel societies emerge: people living alongside one another, rather than living together. Supporting its member States to build truly inclusive societies is the goal of the Council of Europe, said Director General for Democracy Snežana Samardžić-Marković in her opening address at the IDAHO Forum 2016 that opened in Copenhagen today.

LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people’s access to their human rights is frequently hindered by discriminatory treatment, stereotyping and intolerant attitudes.


Preventing unsafe abortion

Fact sheet
Updated May 2016

Key facts

  • Between 2010-–2014:

  • On average, 56 million induced (safe and unsafe) abortions occurred worldwide each year.

  • There were 35 induced abortions per 1000 women aged between 15–44 years.

  • 25% of all pregnancies ended in an induced abortion.

  • The rate of abortions was higher in developing regions than in developed regions.

  • Around 22 million unsafe abortions are estimated to take place worldwide each year, almost all in developing countries.

  • In 2008, there were an estimated 47 000 deaths due to unsafe abortion1. Africa is disproportionately affected, with nearly two-thirds of all abortion-related deaths.

  • Around 5 million women are admitted to hospital as a result of unsafe abortion every year in developing countries. While more than 3 million women who have complications following unsafe abortion do not receive care.

  • The annual cost of treating major complications from unsafe abortion is estimated at $680 million2.

  • When induced abortion is performed by appropriately trained persons using correct techniques it is a safe procedure.

  • Almost every abortion death and disability could be prevented through sexuality education, use of effective contraception, provision of safe, legal induced abortion, and timely care for complications.


Compendium of Good Practices for Advancing Women’s Political Participation in the OSCE Region

“While we have seen some progress with regards to women’s political participation, today only about a quarter  f parliamentarians in the OSCE national parliaments are women, and there is a significant number of OSCE participating States where women make up only 10 to 20 per cent of parliaments. Within OSCE region, 34  surveyed countries, on average, have about 27 per cent women in municipal councils are women, and, only 12 per cent in the case of mayors. These numbers reflect a significant discrepancy between international  standards and commitments undertaken by the participating States and the reality of women’s under-representation.”


78% Say Corporations Should Address Important Issues Facing Society - Survey

Recent research shows that about 8-in-10 people believe that corporations should take action to address important issues facing society.

According to surveys by the public relations firm Global Strategy Group, Americans in recent years are embracing the notion that the private business sector has a role in shaping the political debate and addressing social issues. In their most recent survey, 78% of Americans said that “corporations should take action to address important issues facing society,” up from 72% in 2013.

The study finds that Americans are more inclined to think that it’s more “appropriate” for companies to take stands on economic issues such as the minimum wage, pay equality, and parental leave. Nevertheless, a majority also think it is suitable for companies to weigh in on social and political issues ranging from LGBT equality to Obamacare to race relations.




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