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Compendium of Good Practices for Advancing Women’s Political Participation in the OSCE Region

“While we have seen some progress with regards to women’s political participation, today only about a quarter  f parliamentarians in the OSCE national parliaments are women, and there is a significant number of OSCE participating States where women make up only 10 to 20 per cent of parliaments. Within OSCE region, 34  surveyed countries, on average, have about 27 per cent women in municipal councils are women, and, only 12 per cent in the case of mayors. These numbers reflect a significant discrepancy between international  standards and commitments undertaken by the participating States and the reality of women’s under-representation.”

Direct Link to Full 105-Page 2016 publication:


To mark 20 years since the launch of the Beijing Platform for Action, ODIHR has published this compendium of good practices to reflect on where progress has been made and identify some of the continuing challenges in achieving gender equality in politics. The compendium explores the participation of women through political parties, in elections, local politics and in parliaments, recognizing that these should be seen as connected and related areas.

OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe


Извор: WUNRN - 12.05.2016




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